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items nCr number Chapter 2: Math, Angle, and Test Operations 57 Factorial ! (factorial) returns the factorial of either an integer or a multiple of .5. For a list, it returns factorials for each integer or multiple of .5. value must be ‚ L.5 and 69. value! Note: The ...
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Experiment 2 utilized a full-factorial design to examine tonality, interval of pitch change, metrical position, and rhythm. Tonality had a particularly large effect on performance, with non-scale tones generally aiding change detection. Listeners were unlikely, however, to detect schematically-...
org/10.4014/jmb.1308.08075 Ziadi M, Bouzaiene T, Lakhal S, Zaafouri K, Massoudi S, Dousset X, Hamdi M (2019) Screening of lactic starter from Tunisian fermented vegetables and application for the improvement of caper (Capparis spinosa) fermentation through an experimental factorial design. Ann...
Housing deprivation was a multi-factorial player, causing certain physical illnesses, hindering some health treatments, and contributing to precarious conditions and sense of self worth. Findings are discussed in relation to flexible models of home care delivery. Add to bibliography APA, Harvard, ...
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spikelet initiation occurs and can affect the number of grains per spike and the grain yield. A factorial experiment using a randomized complete blocks design with six replicates was used to study the effect of three growth regulators (3‑indoleacetic acid [IAA], gibberellic acid [GA3], and ...