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To use this, I first enter the number whose factorial is being taken. Then I open the probability menu, select the!entry, and then hitenter. The calculator returns the value of the factorial. On your calculator, look for a!button (maybe as a second function) or anx!button, or else ch...
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We first performed a whole brain analysis, using flexible factorial model and focusing on the interaction of environment (urban vs. natural) and time (before vs. after the walk). Both interaction contrasts (Exp > Cont and Cont > Exp) were analyzed, using family-wise error correction...
Now it is time to ask, how could we synthesize such a complex, chronic, multi-factorial disease of an extremely complex organ (human brain) in a mouse model? Is a transgenic model such as amyloid precursor protein transgenic mouse model a suitable model for human Alzheimer disease [97,98,...
The effects of self-description may depend on whether children are informed in a transparent way about the robot. We therefore studied, in a two-factorial experiment among children aged 7–10 years, whether (a) being transparent about the WOZ set-up before an interaction and (b) a robot’...
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