The TI-30X IIS is a scientific calculator capable of performing various functions, including general math problems such as fractions. The calculator can work with a simple fraction, such as ¾, or a mixed fraction, such as 3 2/3. Unless otherwise specified, the calculator provides an answer...
The TI-30X IIS is a scientific calculator capable of performing various functions, including general math problems such as fractions. The calculator can work with a simple fraction, such as ¾, or a mixed fraction, such as 3 2/3. Unless otherwise specified, the calculator provides an answer...
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There has been growing interest of late in the cognitive effort required by post-editing of machine translation. Compared to number of editing operations, cogni- tive (or mental) effort is frequently considered a more decisive indicator of the overall effort expended by post-editors. Estimating ...
We have an algorithm to port to C64x DSPs and now the algorithm is implemented in floating-point. So firstly we have to give a rough estimation of the complexity, an easy way could be to count the total floating-point operations and then estimate the cycles required for the same number...
if it is below VIT- the output will be low. The three failsafe cases listed in Table 2 are all ones that would tend to result in a VID near 0 V. This is above the maximum VIT+ threshold, which results in an output high level. Please let us...
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