Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy is a metal material widely used in rapid prototyping technology at present. Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy has the advantages of low density, high strength, good heat and corrosion resistance, excellent biocompatibility and so on. In the process of rapid prototyping technology ...
Ti6Al4Vimplantswettabilitysurface free energyroughnessIn lab-developed micro milling method was utilized to machine microtextures on Ti6Al4V alloy. Subsequently, the quality and geometry of the formed textures have been analysed and characterized. The functionality of textured surfaces has been assessed ...
Density 4.43 g/cm³ 0.160 lbs/in³ Modulus of elasticity 105 GPa 15.2 Mpsi Electrical resistivity 1750 µohms*mm 68.9 µohms*in Thermal conductivity 0.865 W/(m*°C) 6.0 BTU*in/(hr*ft²*F) Coefficient of thermal expansion 8.64 µm/(m*°C) 4.8 µin/(in*°F) *Values ...
1、fiOO 35S-M3HSContact Us、Titanium Ti-6AI-4V (Grade 5), AnnealedSubcategory: Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloy; Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Titanium AlloyClose Analogs: 4 other heat treatments of this alloy are listed in MatWeb.Key Words: Ti-6-4; UNS R56400; ASTM Grade 5 titanium; UNS R56401...
Ti6Al4V is an alpha-beta alloy and the most widely used of all the titanium alloys. Ti6Al4V ELI is also briefly described.
钛合金Ti-6Al-4V材料参数 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: Titanium Ti-6Al-4V (Grade 5), Annealed Subcategory: Alpha/Beta Titanium Alloy; Metal; Nonferrous Metal; Titanium Alloy Close Analogs: 4 other heat treatments of this alloy are listed in MatWeb. Key Words: Ti-6-4; UNS R56400; ASTM ...
对高达106µm的Ti-6Al-4V的较大PSD的可制造性的评估主要取决于机械性能,包括相对密度、微观结构、硬度和拉伸性能。使用文献和材料数据表中的一般值进行比较,以评估可制造性,考虑到基于特定应用的不同目标值。 所有三种粉末始终实现了99.93%以上的可重复相对密度,并达到99.9%的目标。尽管由于测量和工艺波动的潜在纳...
TitaniumTi-6Al-4V(Grade5),Annealed Subcategory:Alpha/BetaTitaniumAlloy;Metal;NonferrousMetal;TitaniumAlloy CloseAnalogs:4otherheattreatmentsofthisalloyarelistedinMatWeb. KeyWords:Ti-6-4;UNSR56400;ASTMGrade5titanium;UNSR56401(ELI);Ti6Al4V,biomaterials, ...