Briefly describe three different roles of proteins in your body, and name one type of food that you eat that has high protein content. Name three primary functions of proteins. List three different types of proteins that regulate sugar catabolism and ...
Arabidopsis thaliana has 11 members belonging to the typical type-B ARR (authentic response regulator) family. Among them, seven highly homologous members appear also to be conserved in rice (Oryza sativa), but others are not. It was suggested that these seven ARRs are commonly implicated as ...
Modeling of the three- dimensional structure of proteins with the typical leucine-rich repeats. Structure 1995; 3: 867-77.Kajava AV, Vassart G, Wodak SJ. Modeling of the three-dimensional structure of proteins with the typical leucine-rich repeats. Structure 1995; 3:867-877....
Describe three properties of a cell membrane. Name three possible functions for proteins that are embedded in a membrane. Explain the 3 major protein functions within a cell membrane. What are the distinguishing features and functions of ribosomes? List three characteristics all cells hav...
d) Western blot assay shows Cbx3 expression in three gonad types of swamp eel. The protein gels have been run under the same experimental conditions and same sizes of gel images have been used for all proteins. The right panel shows the intensity values related to Actin. e) ...
Ethylene perceived by a family of five receptors regulates many developmental processes in Arabidopsis. Here we conducted the yeast two-hybrid assay to screen for additional unidentified proteins that interact with subfamily II ethylene receptor ETR2. Th
Cells and cellular organelles are delineated by membranes that consist of a bilayer of phospholipids, sphingolipids, glycolipids, and imbedded sterols, as well as numerous integral and peripheral proteins that fulfill specific functions in the membrane. These membranes segregate cell internal constituents ...
The Omp85 family of outer membrane proteins are ubiquitously distributed among diderm bacteria and play essential roles in outer membrane (OM) biogenesis. The majority of Omp85 orthologs are bipartite and consist of a conserved OM-embedded 16-stranded be
Describe the six functionally distinct phases of B-cell development. Explain the three main ways that molecules cross the cell membrane. Describe the function of proteins in eukaryotic cells. What is the basic structure of the cell membrane, and what are the functions of the various components?