< 三杯茶(Three Cups Of Tea) (美)Greg Mortenson 英文原版搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
three cups of tea 三杯茶的英文介绍 •ThefirsttimeyoushareteawithaBalti,youareastranger.•Thesecondtimeyoutaketea,youareanhonoredguest.•Thethirdtimeyoushareacupoftea,youbecomefamily,andforourfamilywearepreparedtodoanything—evendie.•ThemaincharacteristhemountainhikerGregMortensonwhoclimbedK2,theworld’...
《三杯茶》(Three_Cups_of_Tea)_高频词_按频率_简单排版 热度: Lesson8ThreeCupsofTea(Excerpts) CHAPTER12HAJIALI’SLESSON Itmayseemabsurdtobelievethata“primitive”cultureintheHimalayahas anythingtoteachourindustrializedsociety. Butoursearchforafuturethatworkskeepsspiralingbacktoanancient ...
Three cups of tea 星级: 3 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 13 页 three cups of tea 星级: 12 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 4 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 1 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 13 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 3 页 three cups of tea 星级: 14 页 Three Cups of Tea...
Three Cups of Tea i the true story of our time. In 1993, ayoung Amercan mounain climber named Greg Mortenson walksint atinyvilage high in Paktans beautfu and por KarakoramHimalaya region. Sick, exhausted, and deprssed aer filng toclimb the summi of K2, Motenson regins his strengh an...
Three Cups of Tea 星级: 19 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 4 页 three cups of tea 星级: 12 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 7 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 13 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 4 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 1 页 Three Cups of Tea 星级: 3 页 three cups of tea...
three cups of tea课文原文高级英语 Three Cups of Tea is a non-fiction book written by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. The book tells the inspiring story of Greg Mortenson, a mountain climber turned humanitarian, who dedicated his life to building schools for children in remote areas of...
tea. A grin smoldered, then ignited at the center of his thick beard. “Let‟s go build a school,” he said. Haji Ali climbed to his roof and called for all the men of Korphe to assemble at the local mosque. Mortenson, carrying five shovels he had recovered from Changazi‟s ...
1、Lesson 8 Three Cups of Tea(Excerpts)CHAPTER 12 HAJI ALI ' S LESSONIt may seem absurd to believe that a“primitive “ culture in theHimalaya has anything to teach our industrialized society.But our search for a future that works keeps spiraling back to an ancient connection between ...