three cups of tea 三杯茶的英文介绍 •ThefirsttimeyoushareteawithaBalti,youareastranger.•Thesecondtimeyoutaketea,youareanhonoredguest.•Thethirdtimeyoushareacupoftea,youbecomefamily,andforourfamilywearepreparedtodoanything—evendie.•ThemaincharacteristhemountainhikerGregMortensonwhoclimbedK2,theworld’...
Three_Cups_of_Tea三杯茶.ppt,Three Cups of Tea In the first cup of tea, you are a stranger; In the second cup again, you are an honored guest. In the third, you are my family, we will prepared to anything ,even die. About the writer Mortenson was born in
three-cups-of-teaPPT课件第三杯茶你是我的家人我将用生命来保护你 Three Cups of Tea 1 • In the first cup of tea, 敬上一杯茶,你是 you are a stranger; 一个陌生人; • In the second cup again, you are our friend; 再奉第二杯,你是 我们的朋友; • In the third, you are my ...
Three Cups of Tea —— Greg Mortenson and David O. Relin Books Greg Mortenson with children Background of the Books The title of my book Three Cups of Tea comes from a Pakistani proverb that says when you share the first cup of tea you’re a stranger, with the second cup you are a...
three cups of tea 三杯茶的英文介绍.ppt,,three,cups,of,tea,三杯茶的英文介绍.ppt相关文档 Three_Cups_of_Tea三杯茶 《三杯茶 Three Cups Of Tea》.ppt 《三杯茶》(Three_Cups_of_Tea)_高频词_按频率_带英文解释排版 THREE CUPS OF TEA 高级英语 three cups of tea 高级英语Three Cups of Tea课件 《...
ThreeCupsofTea Inthefirstcupoftea,youareastranger; Inthesecondcupagain,youareourfriend; Inthethird,youaremyfamily,Iwillusemylifetoprotestyou. 敬上一杯茶,你是一个陌生人; 再奉第二杯,你是我们的朋友; 第三杯茶,你是我的家人,我将用生命来保护你。
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