译者:Ken Liu 出版年:2015-7-2 页数:400 定价:GBP 12.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781784971564 豆瓣评分 9.2 26人评价 5星 80.8% 4星 15.4% 3星 3.8% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 The Three-Body Problem的创作者· ··· 刘慈欣...
The Three-Body Problem This Hugo Award winner has changed h people look at Chinese sci-fi. Its translator, Ken Liu, is excited to this. Born in China and raised in the US, Liu can speak both Chinese and English. He also writes science himself. That made him the best c to translate...
其实 “Three-body problem”是一个物理学名词,表示的是“三体问题”。这里就直接将其作为第一部的书...
小星仔Starry创作的外语有声书作品Three Body Problem,目前已更新7个声音,收听最新音频章节P113-114。喜欢的三体译文KenLiu版本
The Three-Body Problem暂无评分 Cixin Liu / Ken Liu / Tor Books / 416页 / Paperback / USD 15.99 / 2016-1-12 在哪儿买这本书? 京东商城 123.20元起 豆瓣成员常用的标签 三毛 科幻小说 诗词 莫言 东野圭吾 随笔 企业 社会学 以下豆列推荐 The Three-Body Problem 中华商务图书专营店原版书 ...
> 我来写笔记 > The Three-Body Problem 作者: Cixin Liu isbn: 0765382032 书名: The Three-Body Problem 页数: 416 译者: Ken Liu 定价: USD 15.99 出版社: Tor Books 出版年: 2016-1-12 装帧: Paperback© 2005-2025 douban.com, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于豆瓣 · 在豆瓣工...
Adapted(改编) from the novel, now the Chinese TV series is coming.Liu Cixin is well-known for his book The Three-Body Problem. The book was first published in Chinese by Chongqing Press in 2008.And in 2014, it was published in English. The English translation(翻译) was done by Ken ...
单拿The Three-body Problem,The Dark Forest,Death's End这三本英文书来说,是母语为中文的英语学习者很难达到的英文水平。行文流畅、地道、优美,达到英文文学出版物的水准。 我2018年12月9日回答分析的The Three-body Problem中的红岸工程解密文件,已经很能说明以上结论。 三部曲是小说,小说就是讲故事。做过翻...
三体,按照Ken liu的英文版名字是the three-body problem. 三体问题其实是个更贴切的名字。1. 三体问题是个啥问题呢?就是三个太阳凌空导致的三体人面临的生存问题。2. 这与地球人何干呢?三体人相中了地球要降临地球霸占地球。三体文明高阶于地球。但三体移民到地球需要四百年。为了防止地球文明在这四百年里不发生...
The Three Body Problem (English Edition) Book 1 of 3 in the Three-Body Problem Series(系列) by Liu Cixin (writer) & Ken Liu (translator) ∠ACB4.2 out of 5 stars,1,999 customer reviews Price New from Used fromHardcover $16.09 $16.09 $ 8.89Paperback $9.98 $6.10 $4.93"Wildly ...