方法 首先用 PMA梯度剂量(0,25,50,100,200,400ng/ml)作用于 THP 1细胞 24h,通过 CCK 8法检测细胞活力,再分别采用 0,10,50ng/mlPMA体外刺激 THP 1细胞 24h、48h,流式细胞术检测细胞表面标志物 CD11b、CD14。 结果 梯度 PMA剂量(0-100ng/ml)对细胞活力没有影响(P>005)。10ng/ml、50ng/mlPMA处理...
THP1/CD14细胞细胞因子免疫调节Objective To investigate the effects of mannan-binding lectin (MBL) on IL-8 and TNF-α production induced by Candida albicans ( C. albicans) in human THP1/CD14 monocytes. Methods The THP1/CD14 cells were stimulated for 24 h with heat-inactivated yeast form ...
Jieun K , et al. Convenience versus Biological Significance: Are PMA-Differentiated THP-1 Cells ...
2️⃣ 预处理细胞 - 在加入PMA之前,确保你的THP-1细胞处于对数生长期,并且没有受到污染。细胞密度应在0.5-1×10^6 cells/mL之间,这样可以保证细胞在诱导后能够均匀分布并且健康生长。 3️⃣ 培养条件控制 - 加入PMA后的前24小时是关键时期,此时细胞会经历一系列变化,包括形态改变。确保在这段时间内提供...
PMA诱导人单核细胞白血病细胞株THP-1细胞表面标志物CD14和CD11b的表达 李晓琴;陈利荣 【摘要】目的 考察豆蔻佛波醇乙酯(PMA)对体外培养的原单核细胞THP-1的分化诱导条件. 方法 首先用PMA梯度剂量(0,25,50,100,200,400 ng/ml)作用于THP-1细胞24h,通过CCK-8法检测细胞活力,再分别采用0,10,50 ng/ml PMA...
It has been hypothesized that rLPS activates a broader range of cells (CD14 positive, low, and negative), accounting for higher toxicity [6]. Nevertheless, both LPS variations elicit potent innate immune responses. The resulting signaling triggers the release of pro‑inflammatory cytokines, ...
Also, the TLR4 complex can be endocytosed into endosomes in a CD14-mediated fashion. This results in the the stimulation of IRF3 (interferon regulatory factor), which modulates the expression of type I IFN [5]. TLR4 signaling is crucial in both acute and chronic inflammatory disorders and ...
我们主要检测CD11b和CD14这两个标记物。这两个标记物可以帮助我们确认细胞是否成功诱导成了M0巨噬细胞。 后续实验 🧪 诱导完M0之后,我会进行不同药物的干预实验。不过要注意,后续使用的培养基里不能含有PMA哦。至于M1和M2的实验,我暂时还没经验,但可以参考一些文献,比如《Optimization of differentiation and ...