C. (2009) Expression of surface markers on the human monocytic leukaemia cell line, THP-1, as in- dicators for the sensitizing potential of chemicals. Contact Dermatitis 60, 185-192.An S, Kim S, Huh Y, Lee TR, Kim H-K, Park K-L, Eun HC (2009) Expression of surface markers on ...
indicative of differentiation but neither showed differentiation comparable to MDM.In contrast,PMA treatment followed by 5days resting in culture without PMA (PMAr)increased cytoplasmic to nuclear ratio,increased mitochondrial and lysosomal numbers and altered differentiation-dependent cell surface markers in...
photoallergy ; THP-1 cell ; CD54 ; CD86 ; mean fluorescence intensity ; relative fluorescence intensity ; methodology validation [Abstract] Objective To identify and validate an in vitro photoallergy evaluation method with cell surface markers as research indicators. Methods THP-1 cells were incubate...
关键词: PMA;THP 1细胞; CD14;CD11b中图分类号: R733.7 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1007-6611(2018)09-1051-04DOI:10.13753/j.issn.1007-6611.2018.09.010PMAinducestheexpressionofsurfacemarkersCD14andCD11bofTHP1celllineinhumanmonocyticleukemiaLIXiaoqin,CHENLirong(DepartmentofMedicalLaboratoryScience,Fenyang...
Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) is commonly used to activate protein kinase C (PKC) and a Standard Reagent for THP1 cell differentiation into macrophages-type cells.
图2 细胞表面标志CD11b、CD14表达Figure 2 Expression of cell surface markers CD11b and CD14 其次分别用10 ng/ml和50 ng/ml PMA处理THP-1细胞,发现正常培养条件下即对照组THP-1细胞CD14、CD11b表达量不高,而有报道称,PMA、TPA等可诱导未成熟的髓系细胞,向巨噬细胞方向分化,并使单核分化标志物CD11b和CD14...
Cell adherence, high phagocytic capacity and expression of differentiation-dependent cell surface markers; CD-14, CD36, TLR-2, and CR3 (CD11b/CD18), can be used to assure fully differentiation of THP-1 macrophage. 2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of THP-1 cell line Due to either financial ...
In this study, we used the conditional medium of human colon cancer cell line, Caco2, to educate THP-1-derived macrophages. The results revealed the great up-regulations of M2 markers CD206 and CD163 and the down-regulation of M1 marker CCR7. ELISA analysis showed that the release of IL...