THP-ether of (-)-nopol CAS 79433-80-0 WIKI information includes physical and chemical properties, USES, security data, NMR spectroscopy, computational chemical data and more.
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Where can you get a fresh version of eratohoYM? Can't seem to find it on the uploader, and the link on that wiki is old AND not working. Anonymous2012/05/13 (Sun) 12:42No.24513▼ >>24512 Nevermind, found it, but it's brutally, critically bugged to hell and back. Buying a slave...
尿th糖蛋白(thp)的正常值及临床意义是什么 正常值 RIA法12.4~61.6mg/24h。 临床意义 升高:肾病综合征、蛋白尿酸中毒、肾小管损伤、脱水少尿、尿路结石。 降低:肝硬化、肾病、尿毒症、多囊肾、遗传性运铁蛋白缺乏症、肾功能减退。 结果偏低可能疾病: 尿毒症 、 肾病综合征。 结果偏高可能疾病:肝硬化。...阅读...
THP-PEG7-OH CAS 873110-21-5 WIKI information includes physical and chemical properties, USES, security data, NMR spectroscopy, computational chemical data and more.
众所周知我曾是在THPWiki管理Wiki长达两年,但基于部分原因之下,于前Touhou Wikia的一众人一起成立 分享23赞 东方吧 Lanternhe 车万萌新一下被两个大佬翻牌,分享一下喜悦之请鼠鼠正式入坑车万可能就几个月时间orz,之前是仅限于听听歌看看美图的阶段,几个月前才开始慢慢了解具体人设和正作之类的。 这次去了人生...
Tos-PEG9-THP CAS 84642-94-4 WIKI information includes physical and chemical properties, USES, security data, NMR spectroscopy, computational chemical data and more.
MS-PEG3-THP CAS 357204-84-3 WIKI information includes physical and chemical properties, USES, security data, NMR spectroscopy, computational chemical data and more.
Tos-PEG8-THP CAS 2173082-77-2 WIKI information includes physical and chemical properties, USES, security data, NMR spectroscopy, computational chemical data and more.
中文名称:尿TH糖蛋白 英文名称及缩写:Tarmm—Horsfall Protein (THP) 正常参考值:尿液:13.8~43.8mg/24h尿 临床意义: 1、尿THP量减少; 常见于肾小球肾炎、反流性肾病、多囊肾、肾功能减退和肾功能衰竭。这是由于肾脏病变使远曲小管细胞减少 2021-07-08 09:03 News WIKI 相关搜索 上...