Personal identity, somatic symptoms, and symptom-related thoughts, feelings, and behaviors: Exploring associations and mechanisms in adolescents and emerging adultsIdentitysomatic symptomsadolescenceemerging adulthoodpsychological functioningThe present paper includes two studies examining how identity functioning is...
We never experience “thoughts,”“feelings,”“perceptions,”“intuitions,”“sensations,”“body symptoms.” etc. We invent those categories after the fact. What we experience, nanosecond by nanosecond, consists of continuous reactions of the organism-as-whole to the environment-as-a-whole, incl...
1. Just as hunger pains tell us to eat and thirst tells us we need a drink, feelings tells us information about our authentic self that we need to address. 2. Our thoughts alone do not give us enough information to make good choices. We must align our feelings with our thoughts to ge...