修改主键This table type requires a primary key 第一步:添加主键(如果已有且是自己命名的可略过) 一个表中要有主键,我们建主键的时候要自己命名,如果不是可能在后边遇到“主键唯一,不能自动添加”的问题。 设置主键: alter table "表的名字" add constraint "主键名字" primary key(id); 第二步:创建序列 ...
报错:[Err] 1173 - This table type requires a primary key 报错原因:表没有主键 问题分析: MySQL 8 以后新增函数索引、跳跃索引扫描、强制主键等新特性 查看是否开启了强制主键: show global variables like 'innodb_force_primary_key'; 发现开启了强制主键,也就是建表必须有主键约束 关闭强制主键约束: set ...
当我们创建表时,如果没有指定主键,可能会遇到"Table type requires a primary key"的错误。这是因为某些表类型要求表必须有主键。 下面是一个示例,创建一个没有主键的表: CREATETABLEusers(idINT,nameVARCHAR(50))ENGINE=InnoDB; 1. 2. 3. 4. 当我们执行上述代码时,会得到以下错误信息: ERROR 1075 (42000)...
it rang some more it really depends on it reminds me that it it represents the fut it requires hard choi it revealed his figur it runs when prevenie it s a sad it s a trap it s a verb it s amusing it s early it s finally working it s getting dark it s just hard it s just...
例如配置'table-name' = 't_process_wi_history_\d{1,2}',报错如下。 报错原因 Debezium使用逗号作为分隔符,不支持带逗号的正则表达式,所以解析会报错。 解决方案 建议您使用'table-name' = '(t_process_wi_history_\d{1}|t_process_wi_history_\d{2})'进行配置。 作业重启时,MySQL CDC源表会从作业...
Built-in support for creating a mosaic/sprite/tile from a video. Built-in support for generating VTT Preview Thumbnail files. Requires PHP 8.1 or higher. Tested with FFmpeg 4.4 and 5.0. Installation Verify you have the latest version of FFmpeg installed: ffmpeg -version You can install the pa...
Apparently I'm the only one noticing this because I can't find ANYTHING on the web. So when I select "Open in Desktop App" from an office online file while...
Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1: Cannot dot-source this command because it was defined in a different language mode. To invoke this command without...
System.InvalidOperationException: 'The entity type 'StaffDetails' requires a primary key to be defined. If you intended to use a keyless entity type call 'HasNoKey()'.' System.InvalidOperationException: 'The required column 'Id' was not present in the results of a sql operation.' System.IO...
Want assistance provided by qualified individuals enabled with experience on understanding charts using technical analysis tools while interpreting macroeconomic environment prevailing across world consequently assisting customers acquire long term advantages requires clear verdicts therefore seeking same through infor...