objDataTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { objDataTable.Columns["主键的字段名"] }; 下面是实例代码(部分): protected void TextBoxFiscalYear_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var tb = (TextBox)sender; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tb.Text.Trim())) return; //如果用户没有输入任何,那做...
Can you help me with this code? I don;t have any idea why it doesn't working, it's very important to me. please help SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0; SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; ...
I have a stored proc with a simple table variable, something like this: DECLARE @t TABLE (someID Int primary key) The proc is only about 100 lines and is fairly straight forward. On my dev box, the query consistently runs around 1.5 seconds. On our test server is ran a consistent 1...
Can I have a primary key as a non-unique column Can I pass parameter to an ALTER DATABASE command Can I prevent deadlock during concurrent delete Can I print to file using T- SQL Can I sort an SQL table? Can I sort row without order by clause Can I UPDATE, then INSERT if no rec...
easy way to implement a Find function. It seems I am going to have to use a Predicate. Upon further investigation, I still can't seem to re-create the functionality. Private Function ByKey(ByVal Instance As MyClass) As Boolean Return Instance.Key = "I NEED THIS COMPARISON TO BE ...
"except for" a couple of favorable breaks, our pre-tax earnings last year would have been about $500 million less than we actually reported. We're happy, nevertheless, to bank the excess. As Jack Benny once said upon receiving an award: "I don't deserve this honor – but, then, I ...
Followup: I would have these performed under the watchful eye of someone.it is a one time bulk manipulation. it won't be a "pretty program" with tons of gracefully logging/error handling. You'll be doing it "down and dirty" (at least I would be). It would need someone to watch ...
However, I would suggest checking the size of the tempdb(s) in for the Production environment to see if there was enough space allocated at the time when the Primary Key was present in the table variable. Just my assumptions, but the tempdb(s) may not have been configured with the approp...
When I create a table which has more than 51 text columns, it appears not support! Error like below: ERROR 1031 (HY000) at line 141: Table storage engine for 'jc_acquisition' doesn't have this option My sql statement is like this: ...
Re: How do I create my table to avoid java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationExceptio n: Duplicate entry '' for key 'PRIMARY' Karen Goh January 07, 2019 08:39AM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective...