Multiple primary keys for table are not allowed The cause of error: There is already a primary key created. Check the primary key or drop the existing primary key. Create table and primary key CREATE TABLE test.products( product_id numeric, product_name varchar(500), category varchar(100),...
使用pg_dump -c导出后,通过psql导入时报下面的错误: ERROR: relation "t1" already existsERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "t1_pkey"ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "t1" are not allowed 2、导入导出的操作 pg_dump -U postgres -d yzs -Fa -c -C -f all.sqlpsql < al...
复制 ERROR:relation"t1"already existsERROR:duplicate key value violates unique constraint"t1_pkey"ERROR:multiple primary keysfortable"t1"are not allowed 2、导入导出的操作 代码语言:javascript 复制 pg_dump-Upostgres-d yzs-Fa-c-C-f all.sql psql<all.sql 3、问题分析 1)通过-c导出时在重建database...
ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "app_users" are not allowed (SQLSTATE 42P16) At statement 105: ALTER TABLE ONLY "public"."app_users" ADD CONSTRAINT "app_users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id") Try rerunning the command with --debug to troubleshoot the error. Desktop (please complete t...
You can have only one primary key. However, you can have as many indexes as you want that have a unique constraint on them. A unique index does pretty much the same thing as a primary key. for example :- CREATE TABLE Persons ( P_Id int NOT NULL, LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL, ...
ActiveRecord::JDBCError: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "schema_migrations" are not allowed Steps to reproduce When postgres db with jruby is used with rails 5 it causes following problem. However same works well with rails 4.X versions/...
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "t1_p1" are not allowed Command was: -- For binary upgrade, must preserve pg_class oids SELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_next_index_pg_class_oid('16394'::pg_catalog.oid); ...
The problem is that I didn't find examples where you have composite id(Multiple primary keys). For example I have table: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Tourist_Guide`.`Cultural_activity` ( `City_Id` INT NOT NULL , `activity_Id` INT NOT NULL , `Cultural_activity_Id` INT NOT NULL AUTO...
Sometimes, it becomes necessary for organizations to get rid of this key to insert multiple similar values or null values. The table can have more than one primary key. These additional keys are called composite primary keys. To be precise, multiple primary keys are not assigned to columns, ...