it concerns you it concludes that it contains heaven it contains lethal ch it coordinator it cost the earth it costs almost nothi it could happen it could not match th it crushed all sins w it cuts it deepened it it depends what youre it destroys it develops fast it didnt it divides it...
Project '<projectname1>' makes an indirect reference to project '<projectname2>', which contains '<typename>' Project already has a reference to assembly <assemblyidentity> Project has been closed Project-level conditional compilation constant '<constantname>' is not valid: <error> Project-leve...
i have yesterday migrated a project from ms Sql to MySql, the project worked fine with Sql but now with MySql, i'm getting an error on sections where there is an async method inside a foreach loop , like the example bellow i'm using the Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql nuget package...
Contains modified linker script for our project |-- # Configuration file for adding MCUBOOT middleware source files |-- # Common application Makefile |-- # Common Makefile |-- Makefile # Top-level application Makefile |-- # User ...
; the loop nest that contains your code fragment; the command line that was used? 32 or 64 bit compiler? Do still you see the internal error in a debug build, without optimization and without inlining? Perhaps that might help us to reproduce despite the size of your solution. Translate 0...
Construct makes an indirect reference to assembly '<assemblyname>', which contains '<typename>' Construct makes an indirect reference to project '<projectname>', which contains '<typename>' Constructor '<name>' cannot call itself Constructor call is valid only as the first statement in an insta...
Contains modified linker script for our project |-- # Configuration file for adding MCUBOOT middleware source files |-- # Common application Makefile |-- # Common Makefile |-- Makefile # Top-level application Makefile |-- # User ...
Each image slot contains the metadata which is used by MCUboot to determine the current state and what actions should be taken during the current boot operation. In the case of a swap-based upgrade, theimg_okfield is updated by the application to make the current image (UPGRADE image) perm...