The project file 'item1' contains invalid key 'item2' The project name is too long. Name has been truncated The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable (Error 462) The selected Add-In has not been confirmed to be 'Command...
The project file 'item1' contains invalid key 'item2' The project name is too long. Name has been truncated The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable (Error 462) The selected Add-In has not been confirmed to be 'Command Line Safe,' and may r...
(edit: intended for dotnet/project-system project, my mistake) When I face this error in Visual Studio (2019 or 2022): error : The project file cannot be opened by the project system, because it is missing some critical imports or the re...
今天一个pom文件死活传不上nexus中。一直报错The provided POM file isinvalid,打开这个pom文件看了下,也没发现什么明显的问题。于是打开idea,随便开了一个工程的pom,看到第一行有<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>这个,然后加上后上传还是报同样的错。。然后对比了下别的官方jar包的pom,发现没有这句,...
最近因为Android Studio 升级到3.6 ,NDK也升级到21了,相关cpp文件报红, 然后顶上一直显示This file is not part of the project.然后我一直点击Sync Now,也没有解决问题。 虽然可以运行,但是没办法进行提示和代码自动排序了。而且红红的,真的烦人。
记录老项目的坑The project description file .project for 'xxx' is missing,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
在导入java项目时出现:Failed to read the project description file (.project) for ‘rbac-victor’. The filehas been changed on disk, and it now contains invalid information. Theproject will not function properly until the description file is restored to avalid state.错误提示如下图 ...
eclipse报错:The project description file .project for my project is missing,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
That's how AE has always worked. There is no other way around this problem. If you have used effects that have been updated or were not in previous versions your project will fall apart and may need to be redone. If the project is relatively simple it might be eas...
Myeclipse中记录的项目地址依然为J盘,这就造成Myeclipse找不到.project文件了。 比较详细的修复步骤: 1、删除项目: 选择要删除的打不开(报The project description file (.project) for is missing)的项目,在项目上点击右键,选择删除。 注意:一定不要为删除对话框中的Delete project contents on disk(cannot be un...