看Rozzet老师夸了周深一句“this is bananas”/这太疯狂了(褒),好奇去查了一下bananas用法的起源,查之前甚至猜难道是小黄人衍生的meme(按可查的历史词典,“bananas”最早用于形容词建于1935年FBI使用的黑话词典(The Underworld Speaks, Pollock)提到“bananas”代指性变态,也就是“弯的”,而“弯的”在当时语境中...
I stuck with Sherry Stoppelbein’s Pumpkin Pecan Waffles with homemade Caramel Sauce and bananas which were delectable. However, Sherry’s Wall of Flame exhibits hundreds of photos of more adventurous diners who dared to take a bite. A Minorcan staple, St. Augustine is the leading producer ...
While these are funny, they point to the uncomfortable truth that 2021 is just as bananas as 2020 was (if not,morebananas.) Whether you are Democratic, Republican, or Independent, pro- or anti-vaccine, homeschooling, virtual learning, or doing school in-person – raising kids in 2021 seems...
and yet He mounts and successfully rides the beast into the city of Jerusalem while a very large crowd basically goes bananas. The colt by all rights should be spooked by the rukus and leave it’s rider by the roadside, but it’s not and it doesn’t. What is the importance of this?
You have to see this to believe it. Who said fruit wasn’t harmful to your existence? Ask the wonderful folks at@JWMarriottChd#goingbananas#howtogetfitandgobroke#potassiumforkingspic.twitter.com/SNJvecHvZB — Rahul Bose (@RahulBose1)July...
t make myself. The fear is already there. I haven’t driven my car in a month. I don’t even know if it would start. I tell myself that it’s for the best because if I was in an accident I’d have to go to the hospital and be exposed to germs so I am doing the smart ...
The best-selling products from AmazonFresh in the U.S. this holiday season, were organic bananas, limes, cucumbers, navel oranges, yellow onions. The best-selling furniture products in the U.S. included the Zinus Memory Foam 12 Inch Green Tea Mattress, the LinenSpa 8" Memory Foam and Inner...