吉米老师告诉大家,其实它的真正意思是“我超喜欢你”。 Urban Dictionary这样解释:I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love(I potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和...
吉米老师告诉大家,其实它的真正意思是“我超喜欢你”。 Urban Dictionary这样解释:I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love(I potato you指的是介于我喜欢你和我爱你之间,它表示处于对你有好感和爱你的状态中间),可以理解为超级喜欢但还没有达到...
Untitled by. Anonymous 幸福的雪人 by. Z级渣滓 イゼタ by. 空夏御神 put ur finger on the dot by. randomperson Serial and Jiggly by. mewtwo365 JOIN THE RANDOMIZED BRIGADE!!! by. clipclop 4 LikeGIF Report by:ILoveBudgies101 531
Salah satu faktor penting yang memengaruhi kepopuleran suatu laman taruhan onlen ialah kualitas layanan yang diberikan kepada sekumpulan pelanggannya.Sedikit hal siapa memerlukan diperhatikan di dalam perkara standar layanan di antara berbeda: Kemudahan internal tahapan simpanan dan penarikan dana Ke...
Suffice to say – plus ca change plus c’est la meme chose. We learn about both rumtopfs and rumtops and have a brilliant few days together before we head off again south in forty mile winds until reaching said goat farm. France Passion is an initiative whereby farmers, vineyard owners ...
“MeMeMe” was all I needed to hear to know it was an out. And while I credit Dalton with the walk-off hit in the Portage game – the officials had a different story in mind. They gave in to a questionable appeal claiming Cal missed 3rd base thereby nullifying his run and bringing ...
every evening is a mini vacation as I step into the garden. The sunflowers are coming along and the cosmos have begun to bud. Fresh picked squash. Zucchini bread just pulled from the oven. The Patriotic Pumpkin Patch is promising for autumn picking. I’ve seen a meme that goes something ...
its lower protein content, SAv seems to be more allergenic than HAv, both in vivo and in vitro. On incubating a pool of sera from our patients with avocado, latex, chestnut, and banana extracts, a progressive RAST inhibition was obtained, with SAv- and chestnut-marked disks. This suggests...
You know that meme that starts with “all my friends are getting married and having babies and I’m over here like…” then it’s either a picture of someone measuring the height of a dog, or a comment about having wine for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I even saw one about loving ru...
You know you want a banana...go on...go...on... Anyone familiar with the Banana story? Start with a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb tow...