Arguably the most versatile boot in the thirtytwo range, the thirtytwo TM-2 Double Boa Snowboard Boots feature a mid-stiff flex, dual BOA™ Fit System adjustment to dial in the perfect tightness, and a grippy new Michelin Fiberlite sole to get you where you're booting safely. A classic ...
The ThirtyTwo TM-2 Double BOA only has patches of rubber on the sole but it is very well built and retains its flex a long time.
Thirtytwo此款女鞋硬度也在7,但由于缺少便捷的双BOA系统,所以价格略低于上款紫色,同样适合单板水平较好并想要继续提高的女性雪友。 单板进阶 NEW///女性产品 21-22 W'S LASHED系列 中等水平单板女鞋 LASHED系列雪鞋都采用了TEAM内胆, 硬度为6,给予脚部中度支撑并提升了舒适度。 1 此款LASHED double boa雪鞋硬度在...
Thirtytwo此款女鞋硬度也在7,但由于缺少便捷的双BOA系统,所以价格略低于上款紫色,同样适合单板水平较好并想要继续提高的女性雪友。 单板进阶 NEW///女性产品 21-22 W'S LASHED系列 中等水平单板女鞋 LASHED系列雪鞋都采用了TEAM内胆, 硬度为6,给予脚部中度支撑并提升了舒适度。 1 此款LASHED double boa雪鞋硬度在...
The thirtytwo TM-Two Double Boa Snowboard Boots give you the speed and convenience of Boa® along with the classic TM-Two performance and fit. If you're looking for a single boot to cover everything from steep pow to park laps, this is one of the very best options out there. Product...
32滑雪鞋,比较专业,价格亲民,推荐2个系列,TM,硬度7/10,偏刻滑的全能;LASHED,硬度6/10,偏公园的全能。 滑雪鞋系带方式:boa、抽绳、绑带,综合考虑了,个人还是喜欢绑带,虽然麻烦,但牢固可靠,早晨麻烦一点,系好可以滑一天,我有特殊的绑带方法。
thirtytwo ..这个帖子时间跨度好大啊,新人咨询个问题前几天买了一双Northwave Prophecy 42的,穿上后整体感觉都正好,但是有一点脚尖不管是站着还是蹲下,总是差那么4~5厘米才能顶到鞋尖,脚趾抬起幅度
Shifty Boa 女款白色,STW Boa女款白色,Lashed Boa 女款白色,Lashed Boa 男款黑色,Lashed Boa 男款白色,Lashed Boa 男款棕色,TM2 Boa 男款黑色,TM2 Boa 男款沙色 图文详情 本店推荐 W25 Surpine松野湃滑雪保暖速干衣男女排汗透气打底功能内衣 ¥379.0 W25新品JR专业高性能运动滑雪男女硬壳护具护臀护膝套装...
尺码 39/7,40/7.5,40.5/8,41/8.5,42/9,42.5/9.5,43/10,44/10.5,44.5/11 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 规格查看更多 尺码 39/7,40/7.5,40.5/8,41/8.5,42/9,42.5/9.5,43/10,44/10.5,44.5/11 适用人群 男女通用 货号 TM-2 DOUBLE BOA 0
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