Arguably the most versatile boot in the thirtytwo range, the thirtytwo TM-2 Double Boa Snowboard Boots feature a mid-stiff flex, dual BOA™ Fit System adjustment to dial in the perfect tightness, and a grippy new Michelin Fiberlite sole to get you where you're booting safely. A classic ...
thirtytwo ..这个帖子时间跨度好大啊,新人咨询个问题前几天买了一双Northwave Prophecy 42的,穿上后整体感觉都正好,但是有一点脚尖不管是站着还是蹲下,总是差那么4~5厘米才能顶到鞋尖,脚趾抬起幅度
The thirtytwo TM-Two Snowboard Boots are the traditionally laced version of the boot that's probably the most versatile ever made, and many seasoned riders swear by laces as the way to ultimate comfort and long lasting durability. Product Details Flex Flex Rating –7 (1 Soft - 10 Stiff) ...
Shifty Boa 女款白色,STW Boa女款白色,Lashed Boa 女款白色,Lashed Boa 男款黑色,Lashed Boa 男款白色,Lashed Boa 男款棕色,TM2 Boa 男款黑色,TM2 Boa 男款沙色 图文详情 本店推荐 W25 Surpine松野湃滑雪保暖速干衣男女排汗透气打底功能内衣 ¥379.0 W25新品JR专业高性能运动滑雪男女硬壳护具护臀护膝套装...
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开箱开箱#thirtytwo雪鞋 #TM-2 #可可托海滑雪场 #雪友酒吧早C晚A,于2024年11月12日上线。西瓜视频为您提供高清视频,画面清晰、播放流畅,看丰富、高质量视频就上西瓜视频。
-1.大小合适(站直的时候前脚趾碰到但不弯曲,下蹲时脚跟基本不离开鞋垫)2. 没有明显位置的压迫感 ...
The ThirtyTwo TM-2 Double BOA only has patches of rubber on the sole but it is very well built and retains its flex a long time.
-1.大小合适(站直的时候前脚趾碰到但不弯曲,下蹲时脚跟基本不离开鞋垫)2. 没有明显位置的压迫感 ...