out-of-the-box thinking双语例句1.He hit out at me without thinking.\x09他不假思索地向我猛击过来.2.After repeated exhortation by his comrades,he finally straightened out his thinking.\x09经过同志们再三劝导,他终于想通了.3.He hit out at me without thinking,but missed.\x09他不加思索地向我打...
Out of the box thinking means you’re indifferent to the expectations of others, and play by your own rules.
Thinking Outside Of The Box 的定义和含义非常规思想的隐喻 例子: We need to start thinking outside of the box to beat our competitors.根据国家/地区的单词用法: "Thinking Outside Of The Box" 世界上许多国家都使用商务英语。 本网站上的某些单词和短语在任何使用商务英语的地方都能理解,但某些单词和...
some examples of out-ofthe- box thinking some examples of out-ofthe- box thinking的意思是:一些打破常规思维的例子。可以帮助人们突破传统的思维框架,发现新的机会和解决方案。©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
out of the box thinking “跳出定势”的思维 双语例句 1 That might be the real “ out of the box ” thinking which could guide us in our work.这也许才是能够给我们的工作以指导作用的“走出困境”的真正的思考。2 For breakthrough projects maybe it ' s better to have someone who ...
out-of-the-box thinking 创新思维、跳出盒子的思维方式 例句:It's not with out-of-the-box thinking or other facile forms of corporate creativity, but through the effects of community-the milieu, the culture, and the camaraderie in which innovators find themselves.突破并不是所谓打破...
Thinking outside the box meaning: 1. Applying what theory you have learnt: Thinking out of the box implies that you will let all that you have studied percolate into your mind and then put into practice all you have studied. The ability to think out of the box is a practical skill whic...
Out-of-the-box thinking,通常被翻译为“创造性思维”或“非传统思考”,是一种超越常规、打破框架的思维方式。这种思考方式不局限于既定的规则、传统或习惯,而是寻求新颖、独特且富有创新性的想法和解决方案。在日常生活和工作中,out-of-the-box thinking被广泛应用于描述那些...
Unit2Thinkingoutofthebox 1.WhatdoesthequotefromJohannWolfgangvonGoethe mean? Daringideasarelikechessmenmovedforward;theymaybebeaten, buttheymaystartawinninggame. —JohannWolfgangvonGoethe Thequoteisintendedtoencouragepeopletoactivelybe creative,andnottobeafraidofdifficultiesorfailures.These difficultiesandfailures...
THNINKING OUTSIDE-THE-BOX. The notion 'thinking outside the box' is far more than just another management cliché. It is a very powerful concept worthy of deeper consideration in today's complex and rapidly changing world.