'Out of the box thinking'指的是跳出传统思维框架,寻求创新解决方案的思维方式,鼓励勇于挑战常规、突破自我。 ‘Out of the Box Thinking’的探索与解析 ‘Out of the Box Thinking’的定义与起源 “Out of the Box Thinking”,直译为“跳出盒子思考”,是一个富有哲理和...
网络创造性思维;思考;跳脱框架思考 网络释义
out-of-the-box thinking 创新思维、跳出盒子的思维方式 例句:It's not with out-of-the-box thinking or other facile forms of corporate creativity, but through the effects of community-the milieu, the culture, and the camaraderie in which innovators find themselves.突破并不是所谓打破框...
out of the box thinking “跳出定势”的思维 双语例句 1 That might be the real “ out of the box ” thinking which could guide us in our work.这也许才是能够给我们的工作以指导作用的“走出困境”的真正的思考。2 For breakthrough projects maybe it ' s better to have someone who ...
Chinese take out box 中式包装盒 相似单词 out of the box 盒外创造性的,独特性,思维不合常规;计算机术语里指从盒子里拿出来直接可以使用的,也就是开箱即用。 thinking n.[U] 1.思想,思考,思维 2.想法,见解 a.思想的,有理智的,有思考力的 box n.[C] 1.箱;盒;匣 2.一箱(或一盒、一匣)的容...
文中的think outside the box就是“创造性思维”,或者“开放式思维”,英文也可以用out-of-box thinking来表示,out-of-box形象描绘出了我们进行创造性思维时要“跳出来思考”。此外,我们还应该让孩子从小具备critical thinking(批判性思维),敢于挑战权威,以及divergent thinking(发散式思维),做到举一反三、灵活应变...
wants something fresh and original, so let’s think out of the box and come up with ideas ...
文中的think outside the box就是“创造性思维”,或者“开放式思维”,英文也可以用out-of-box thinking来表示,out-of-box形象描绘出了我们进行创造性思维时要“跳出来思考”。此外,我们还应该让孩子从小具备critical thinking(批判性思维),敢于挑战权威,以及divergent thinking(发散式思维),做到举一反三、灵活应变...
out-of-the-box thinking :发散思维 As an innovation-driven company, we encourage "radical" out of the box thinkingwhile respecting innovative initiatives and share achievements while we continue to enact innovative reforms.我们以创新为动力,鼓励创新思维,尊重创新行为,共用创新成果,持续创新...