Huang, Liangguang & Wang, Xueqing. 2011. The influence of the different thinking pattern between Chinese and English on English writing. Theory and practice in language studies, 1(4):390-394.Huang Guangliang,Wang Xueqing.The influence of different thinkingpattern between Chinese and English on ...
1)different modes of thinking between English and Chinese英汉思维差异 1.In this paper,I will venture to explore the different modes of thinking between English and Chinese and subsequently to present a detailed analysis of their impact upon practical writi.导致语篇与措词差异的原因可在英汉思维差异中...
Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Modes 中英思维模式的不同 DifferencesbetweenChineseandEnglishThinkingModes 1.VisualThinkingVSRationalThinking TheChineseisperceptual(感知的)intheircomprehensivethought,buttheEnglishandotherWesternnationslayhavedevelopedtheirownrationalandanalyticthinkingmodes.S2a.His...
1、1.visual thinking vs rational thinkingthe chinese is perceptual(感知的) in their comprehensive thought, but the english and other western nations lay have developed their own rational and analytic thinking modes. s2a. his weariness and increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first ...
Differences Between Chinese and English Thinking Modes【英语专业论文】.doc,Differences Between Chinese and English Thinking Modes I. Introduction Language by nature is the embodiment of human thoughts and thoughts in turn is the mental reflection of the
1 Differences Between Chinese and English Thinking Modes I. Introduction Language by nature is the embodiment of human thoughts and thoughts in turn is the mental reflection of the world around us on basis of some analysis, generalization, judgment and reasoning. Animals have thoughts as well, but...
1. In this paper,I will venture to explore the different modes of thinking between English and Chinese and subsequently to present a detailed analysis of their impact upon practical writi. 导致语篇与措词差异的原因可在英汉思维差异中找到答案。
English sentences with inanimate subjects(ESWIS) are a kind of unique language phenomenon in English, reflecting different thinking mode between West and East. In the light of congnitive linguist George Lakoffs "conceptual metaphor"theory and systematic -functional linguist M.A.K.Halliday's "grammatic...
中西方思维方式差异(Differences between Chinese and Western modes of thinking) 中西方思维方式差异(Differences between Chinese and Western modes of thinking) Differences between Chinese and Western modes of thinking I. examples of differences between Chinese and Western modes of thinking We can see the ...
whileWesternersaccustomedtologicalthinking,theEnglish languagestructured,verylogical,generallyfollowthe subject+predicate(predicatetype)ofthebasicframework, complementedbyothermodifications,restrictions, supplements,astatementstructurelayershelf.WhenChinese studentswriteinEnglish,theyaresusceptibletothe influenceofthewholemode...