thinking as a hobby文章结构thinking as a hobby文章结构 1954年,在被21家出版社拒绝过后,《蝇王》终于成功出版。此时,距戈尔丁发表处女作——一本包含29首小诗的诗集——已经过去了20年。 这20年间,戈尔丁当过编导和演员,经历了结婚生子、成家立业,还参加了二战;所谓好事多磨,参战给他的思想打上了深刻的烙印...
thinking as a hobby是思考类文体。《蝇王》也就是《thinking as a hobby》 一直不停探讨的主题:人类天生的野蛮与文明的理性的斗争。 《大学英语精读4》收录了戈尔丁的文章《Thinking as a hobby》,此文中戈尔丁阐述了“思考有三个等级”的结论;本文则是依托这个金字塔状的结构,对《蝇王》中的...
《蝇王》正是突出了他一直不停探讨的主题:人类天生的野蛮与文明的理性的斗争。 《大学英语精读4》收录了戈尔丁的文章《Thinking as a hobby》,此文中戈尔丁阐述了“思考有三个等级”的结论;本文则是依托这个金字塔状的结构,对《蝇王》中的人物进行分析。 1:三级思考者 在弄清谁是三级思考者之前,我们得先搞明白...
"Thinking as a Hobby"是一篇由美国哲学家William Golding撰写的关于思考和知识的文章,它使用了多种衔接手段来使文章具有结构和连贯性。下面是其中一些常见的衔接手段:1.指代词:文章中多次出现的词或短语可以通过指代词来引用前文提到的内容。例句:"Some people's hobby is thinking. They use their idle time to...
thinking as a hobby段落划分 thinking as a hobby段落划分思维作为一种高级认知活动,具有多种形式和层次。在《thinkingasahobby段落划分》这篇文档中,我们将探讨思维的三个 主要层次:低级思维、中级思维和高级思维。通过逐层深入挖掘思维 的内涵和特点,我们能够更好地理解思维的本质,并且提高自己的思 维能力。1....
thinking as a hobby段落划分 Thinking as a Hobby Introduction: In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving world, the ability to think critically and analytically is more important than ever before. Thinking is not just a simple process of cognition, but a complex activity that requires skills...
thinking as a hobby总结概括 《思考作为一种业余爱好》是一篇关于思考的文章。思考是指人们通过自我反省、逻辑推理和思维训练来探索和理解问题的过程。本文将从思考的重要性、不同类型的思考以及思考对个人和社会的影响等方面进行拓展。 首先,思考作为一种业余爱好对个人的重要性不言而喻。通过思考,个人可以培养批判...
Thinking as a hobby summary “THINKING AS A HOBBY” SUMMARY This text, with a relatively strong tone of irony, is a narrative essay that basically explains the concept of three levels of thinking and how the author came up with this whole idea.It starts with his childhood when he was back...
Thinking as a Hobby by William Golding While I was still a boy, I came to the conclusion that there were three grades of thinking; and since I was later to claim thinking as my hobby, I came to an even stranger conclusion - namely, that I myself could not think at all. I must ha...
Being able to think as a hobby is the uniqueness of human beings. We should leave room for such noble thinking, because this first-level thinking is the hope of mankind itself. Finally, it's hard to free from vulgarity. I will end with a sentence from Shawshank's Redemption:hope is goo...