Thinking as a Hobby 思考作为一种嗜好 While I was still a boy, I came to the conclusion that there were three grades of thinking; and since I was later to claim thinking as my hobby, I came to an even stranger conclusion--namely, that I myself could not think at all. 还是个孩子的...
Thinking as a Hobby 思考作为一种嗜好 While I was still a boy, I came to the conclusion that there were three grades of thinking; and since I was later to claim thinking as my hobby, I came to an even stranger conclusion--namely, that I myself could not think at all. 还是个孩子的...
原文:Thinking as a Hobby 翻译:思考作为一种爱好 思考,这一通常被视为日常生活必需品的认知活动,其实也可以被看作是一种独特的爱好。不同于阅读、写作或绘画等传统的爱好,思考是一种内在的活动,它不需要外在的物质媒介,却能够为我们带来深邃的满足感和成长。思考作为爱好,意味着我们主动选择去...
lesson1-thinking as a hobby讲解学习 UnitOne:ThinkingasaHobby Thinking Hobby WilliamGolding(1911-1993),aremarkableBritishnovelist,isneverlikelytoberememberedforhissocialportraiture,whichisnottheessenceofhiswork.HewasawritertrainedinagrandmetaphysicalChristianitywhocouldaddressquestionsofgoodandevilinacorruptedandGodless...
(完整版)翻译:Thinking_as_a_HobbyUnit1思考作为一种嗜好 还是个孩子的时候我就得出了思考分为三种等级的结论。后来思考成了嗜好,我进而得出了一个更加离奇的结论,那就是:我自己根本不会思考。 那个时候我一定是个很让大人头疼的小孩。当然我已经忘记自己当初在他们眼里是什么样子了,但却记得他们一开始在我眼中就...
ThinkingAsaHobby TextAnalysis •WhileIwasstillaboy,Icametotheconclusionthattherewerethreegradesofthinking;andsinceIwaslatertoclaimthinkingasmyhobby,Icametoanevenstrangerconclusion-namely,thatImyselfcouldnotthinkatall.•还是个孩子的时候我就得出了思考分三种等级的结论。后来思考成了嗜好,我进而得出了一个...
Thinking as a Hobby翻译 星级: 3页 thinking as a hobby 星级: 6页 Thinking As A Hobby 原文 星级: 5页 Thinking As a Hobby(中英文对照版) 星级: 41 页 Thinking_As_a_Hobby(中英文对照版) 星级: 41 页 Thinking as a hobby(读本与作业) 星级: 17 页 翻译:Thinking as a Hobby 星级...
《thinking as a hobby》 William Golding 威廉·戈尔丁是一位英国小说家,诗人,1983年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。他的小说富含寓意,广泛地融入了古...