Oscar-nominee Josh Brolin (“Dune: Part Two”) returns to lead the cast of “Outer Range” which also features an impressive ensemble that includes Imogen Poots (“Baltimore”), Lili Taylor (“Manhunt”), Tamara Podemski (“Reservation Dogs”), Lewis Pullman (“Lessons In Chemistry”), Tom...
The talented boxer dog is considered a gift to Germandog owners, being a loyal and intelligent family companion, being full of courage.Although boxer dogs need a lot of exercise, they are indoor breeds because of its short coat, making exercises inside your apartment, having a hard coat that...
according to the medical examiner, were heat-related; even the position of Walker's body, which was described as a "pugilistic stance" with flexed elbows and knees, was due to body tissue and muscle contraction due to the heat of the fire. Soot was found in Walker's trachea, ...
Are you just waiting to see how many people respond, and give you attention? You: I'm so upset. Friend: What's wrong? You: Nothing. Friend: Really. Tell me. You: Well . . . Friend: Well, what? You: I don't know if I should say anything. (soon-to-be-ex) Friend: You ...
*I don’t intend to trivialize these events by any means, but tonight I’m too tired to tackle their full emotional weight. I’m just proud of myself for getting in front of a computer and pretending to write. Yay dogs! Boxer Leave a comment 1Jan2022 New Year Not New Me (Or...
5 years and 2 days ago I awoke to Xavier’s Mommy’s post in the group about Xavier’s passing at 19 weeks and my heart broke. I was in bed and just stunned, never before realizing loss like that could happen. I thought once we were past the first tri we’re good! (I know, ...
Dogs and Motorcycles Leave a reply There is a saying “only a biker knows why a dog hangs his head out the window of a car” . It’s so true but if you’re really lucky, your dog is on your bike with you!! Me and Boscoe. ...
Vermont Flanneljust opened a shop in Manchester, stocked to the brim with your favorite “made in USA” flannel pj’s, shirts, boxer shorts, and even coats for your pups. SIP: Smugglers’ Notch Distillery Tasting Room Sure, you can try the craft-made Maple Syrup infused bourbons, rye, ...
You could ask your vet about trying a medication called famotidine. It is something that is safe to give to dogs for mild stomach upset and if necessary you can give it on a long-term basis. What you are describing really doesn't sound like tapeworms. Tapeworms don't generally cause ...
Every airline, including cargo planes, has various weight restrictions for flying pets that you ought to know about in advance.BreedAirlines are particular about the animal types they allow to fly on their planes. When it comes to dogs, some breeds are restricted from flying as well. The ...