Images, Pics, Photos and Pictures of Boxer Dog: Information and Facts of Boxer Dog: Boxer is this dog’s name German Boxer and Deutscher Boxer are other names Germany is where they originated They are of the Medium Dog breed Kennel clubs classify them as being working, utility or guardian ...
Boxer is a medium sized dog breed that is very popular with families because it is affectionate and fantastic around children. This breed is suspicious of strangers but does not act aggressively, making it one of the most popular dog breeds to have as pets. Though the modernBoxerhas a short...
Boxer, smooth-haired working dog named for its manner of “boxing” with its sturdy front paws when fighting. The Boxer, developed in Germany but with roots traceable to ancient Assyria, includes strains of Bulldog and Great Dane in its heritage. Histori
Boxer Dog Facts Temperament Intelligent, fearless and strong Training Should be trained from an early age due to their independent nature Diet Omnivore Average Litter Size 8 Common Name Boxer Dog Slogan Bright, energetic and playful! Group Mastiff Boxer Dog Physical Characteristics Color Brown Black ...
Or scroll on down to find the detailed information you need about this loyal, charismatic breed of dog Boxers At A Glance Here are some quick facts about the iconic Boxer breed. Popularity: AKC no. 10 Country of origin: Germany Purpose: Guard / companion ...
Boxers are considered working dogs. They were one of the first breeds employed as a police dog, and they have been used as seeing-eye dogs. But they are also bred to be companion and guard dogs, perhaps best known for being loyal family pets that are especially fond of children. ...
There is a lot of false information that can easily be found...So, let's clear this up by looking at the facts. While each dog is an individual and has his or her own personalty quirks, in general, white Boxer dogs will behave exactly like most other more traditionally colored pups an...
Dog Breed Boxer. Facts and Information Exterior Look of the Boxer How to choose Boxer puppy How to feed your Boxer How to know if your Boxer puppy gets enough milk How to treat your newborn Boxers during their first 8 weeks Measure your Boxer for the correct muzzle size ...
Boxer Dog Facts The Boxer is playful and fun-loving. He is loyal to his family and friends, and he particularly loves children. The Boxer dog is, however, naturally suspicious of strangers and therefore makes an excellent watch dog and can be trained to be a guard dog. ...
I have always been 'dog crazy', I love them with a passion. I can't remember when I didn't. Neither can I count how many times I was bitten as a small child through going up and stroking strange dogs without knowing if they were friendly. It never put me off. My parents despaired...