Do not wait for goodthingsto happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness. 不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。 金山词霸 每日一句 The happiest are not those who own all the bestthings, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life. ...
Sometimes, the easiest way to get through something that you are nervous or anxious about is to just stop thinking about it so much. Try to think about the things you are good at and have a lot of experience with, like frenchkissingor basketball. Focus on those thoughts when you feel yo...
However, you necessarily do not need to visualize, and can physically walk through your home too. In fact, the idea of the memory palace is to make use of all your senses – auditory, kinesthetic (touch), and so on. Associate each item that you wish to remember with a specific object...
Then, I get diagnosed with MS and I have to back out of all of it. The truth is that I needed a life-altering diagnosis to give me permission to stop overdoing my life, to resist the seduction of getting things done. I’ve learned enough through the process so you can give yourself...
Doing physical exercise, I can not only 30_ my body, get rid of stress, but most importantly, I can _31_ my willpower.By having decided to go to the gym 3 times a week, I was already making 32 changes in life.Taking care of my body also __33 me to look after what I was _...
While he was going through the boxes, he came across a shopping bag. Inside it was a video game called Kid Icaru. Scott didn’t even remember ___ it. According to the price tag in December 1988, it was most likely a Christmas present that had never been sent. Since it hadn’t bee...
Chat with friends, get professional ear cleanings, and feel your stress melt away as you soak in the community ambience. Both lively yet relaxed, People's Park offers the perfect venue to unwind and embrace captivating culture inChengdu. ...
Manystudies point to the benefits of a short nap, including improved attention span, better stress management and a sense of being more present. Keep it to 20-30 minutes to get the optimal benefit. 7. Watch your stimulant and alcohol use. ...
How to Quit a Job. Get References Before You Leave the Company If you plan toget referencesfrom your current employer, do so before your final day. Once you leave, it may be easier for managers to put off writing a letter. What’s more, if your supervisor subsequently leaves the company...
Thank you for being with me through the good and bad stuff. Thank you for being my pillar when everything was shaking. I promise I will be your pillar for as long as I live My children should be very proud of me. I’ve managed to snatch for them the best mother they could get ...