of a deferred rhyme.) But what after these outlines have been described? How to account for the slightly torn texture, the husky tone, the maddening rass of the voice? And what to do about Khanum’s devastating deployment of the word “haye” in the phrase “haye marr jayeingey”? I...
So yes, that is now happening. I am not picking up my camino from ‘Home to Rome’ but in fact my ‘Camino del Norte’ project. So it has taken me sometime to find the words to write about this shift. With so many changes of plans in the past years and this nagging feeling of ...
I met a man on a solo flight from Rome to Prague once and he had a great life story. He was also sober, after he watched his wife die from alcoholism. It was so sad to hear, but really put life into perspective and gave us common ground. He lived in a little beach town in So...
The atmosphere was nice, but the format is a bit rigid with their fixed 4 person tables. And those tables don’t have much extra space at that. I had to keep my wines on a seat, my camera between me and the next guy, and constantly juggle around my (only) two wine glasses and o...