Although Greece and Rome have left their mark on English, our language is Germanic at its roots. There was no written record of any Germanic languages before the Romans met the Goths. (That’s what happens no one speaking the language reads or writes.) So, understanding the development of...
On this day in 1764, Edward Gibbon, historian and Member of Parliament, saw friars singing in the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter in Rome. The experience inspires him to write what would become the controversial History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, published in six volumes ...
This is the first page of Bede's 'History of the English Church and People'. It begins with a decorated letter B (from 'Britain'). The book In AD597 the Pope in Rome decided it was time the Anglo-Saxons in Britain heard about Christianity. He sent a monk called Augustine to persuad...
When in Rome…Have a Baby Shower! – Crystaleyes20 Temporary Weekly Photo Challenge yi-ching lin photography sunrise Life is Temporary – Wandering Outside the Box Temporary – Sprawly Temporary State of Mind – shutterbugdiary Gwyncurbygodwin’s Blog GOOD MORNING GLORY Temporary – kak...
Graviton2 is built under a 7nm process and that makes AWS one of the few chipmakers to garner that access to that manufacturing technology. Graviton2 has 30 million transistors. For comparison, AMD's Epyc Rome has 39.5 million. The software ecosystem around Arm has developed to the point...
Greek tragedy is a comment on the Iliad...” From the Greeks he proceeds to Rome eventually: “Virgil was actually incapable of imitating Homer; he wrote a parody...” and “Tacitus is not only the greatest writer of the Latin language, he is the greatest writer of classical antiquity....
Capt. Mabry was sent to Rome in the summer of 1921 as one of the company of flyers to bring the Roma to the U.S., the government having purchased the giant dirigible from Italy. He was on the Roma when it made its first trial trip. Capt. Mabry was 30 years old and unmarried whe...
when in rome (2010) also put in a section dedicated to domestic rights issues cause certain films and shows aren't owned by disney and it's subsidiaries domestically such as popeye, dragonslayer and titanic. finally, i would like to point out a couple of things josh, certain pg-13 and ...
(AP)—What do you call a group selfie? An usie, of course! As in "us." Pronounced uss-ee, rhymes with fussy.
The idea of writing metered verse without a formal rhyme scheme didn't emerge until theRenaissance. Gian Giorgio Trissino (1478-1550), Giovanni di Bernardo Rucellai (1475-1525), and other Italian writers began to imitate unrhymed poetry from ancient Greece and Rome. The Italians called their ...