But none of them would go well without the computer mouse.The first computer mouse appeared in 1964, invented by Douglas Engelbart. It was mainly made up of a wooden “house”, a circuit (电路) board and two wheels. Engelbart called his invention the “Bug”. But the long “tail” on...
Alexander Graham Bell. But you might behard-pressedto name many female inventors, even though women are behind some of the most widely used technologies in the modern world.
One of the most popular board games around, the rules were first drawn up by a lady called Elizabeth Magie, andpatentedin 1904. Her intention was to create a game to highlight what she saw as thepitfallsof capitalism. It was originally called The Landlord’s Game. To an altogether differe...
The original Cheetos date back to 1948, and were invented by Frito’s creator C.E. Doolin. In a famous success story, Richard Montanez, a janitor at Frito-Lay, added chili powder to a batch of Cheetos that had accidentally been made without the requisite cheese powder dusting. He pitched...
1832: Anelectromagnetic telegraphwas created by Baron Schilling in Russia, and in 1833 Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Weber invented their own code to communicate over a distance of 1200 m within Göttingen, Germany. 1844: Samuel Morse sends the first morse code public telegraph message "What...
Again, it was invented by a woman, the American chemist Stephanie Kwolek, in 1964. Finally, one of the most important inventions of the 20th Century must surely be the computer programme. The world of programming is notoriously unbalanced in terms of gender. Men vastly outnumber women, and...
3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash While Bell was instrumental in the development of the telephone, there were other inventors working on similar devices at the time. 4. Masturbation will make you go blind. Alex Guillaume on Unsplash This claim has no...
The original Cheetos date back to 1948, and were invented by Frito’s creator C.E. Doolin. In a famous success story, Richard Montanez, a janitor at Frito-Lay, added chili powder to a batch of Cheetos that had accidentally been made without the requisite cheese powder dusting. He pitched...
Schneider invented his multipronged cake breaker, he had no notion of its destiny as a comb for Afro‐American hair. While bakers today use pie cutters to cut their angel food cakes, in its day, this tool took the cake. You may also like: What the world was like when your grandparents...
People who pride themselves on the scientific way of distinguishing between things that are real and things that are unsubstantiated (imaginary, invented, spurious) usually draw a firm line between facts that have been, and can be, demonstrated by experiment or predicted to happen in prescribed ...