Grandpas invented the so-called "beer fridge" fad but it was out of necessity. He knew that the new ones would be clunkers faster than you could open a cold one while waiting for the garbage truck. That One Pitchfork Getty Images That One Pitchfork You're still not sure what you're su...
People who pride themselves on the scientific way of distinguishing between things that are real and things that are unsubstantiated (imaginary, invented, spurious) usually draw a firm line between facts that have been, and can be, demonstrated by experiment or predicted to happen in prescribed cir...
When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, he probably didn’t imagine how far it would come over the next century and a half. In 1919, the American Bell Telephone Company launched national service for rotary dial phones, the first mass-produced phone controlled by the user. ...
1922: First chimichangas are invented Canva 1922: First chimichangas are invented El Charro Cafe, the oldest Mexican restaurant in Tucson, Arizona, invented the chimichanga in 1922. Thedeep-fried burritowas created by accident when founder Monica Flin plunged a burrito into bubbling fat, creating ...
Weaving has been a local craft in Portalegre since the middle ages, but in the 1940s the entrepreneur Guy Fino and weaver Manuel do Celestino Peixeiro invented a new tapestry-making technique.This is called Ponto de Portalegre and while it was partially inspired by Roubaix tapestries it has ...
is a certain anxiety of choosing. In the Middle Ages, everyone shared the same frame of values. One could offend against that frame by sinning, but the sins were clear, their place in the overall scheme of things ratified by consensus. Now that we do not share such a frame of reference...
The original Cheetos date back to 1948, and were invented by Frito’s creator C.E. Doolin. In a famous success story, Richard Montanez, a janitor at Frito-Lay, added chili powder to a batch of Cheetos that had accidentally been made without the requisite cheese powder dusting. He pitched...
in March 1941: Marvel (then Timely) Comics’Captain America, who took a government-invented “super soldier serum” to transform into a superhero. The Shield and Captain America were two of acontingentof starred-and-striped heroes who appeared prior to and after America’s entrance in the war...
Invented by Arthur K. Melin and Richard P. Knerr of the Wham-O toy company, thehula hoop was inspired by Australian wood rings. More than 100 million of the multi-colored plastic hoops sold in the first year on the market. Although the fad slowed in the 1960s, the toy is still popul...
Ironically, the Trump/Vance position is not far from that articulated by Ezra, Israel’s 6th century BCE priest and scribe who invented the concept of a genocidal Israel as God’s chosen one. (You can read a summary of Ezra’s words immediately below.)...