Dale Huffman
“During recess, I’d blown the whistle for kids to pause and be silent, and a couple kids were still dribbling basketballs.” “Without thinking I yelled, ‘Everybody hold your balls!’ I teach eighth grade.” —K.B. “I was doing a health ed unit with 7th graders about bones and ...
Dan and I worked for weeks on the spelling list, replacing sacred piano practice with spelling practice, and going over words like “gingerbread” and “menthol” over and over again.Danny, competative and confident by nature, was eager to study and excited to display his spelling prowess in ...
I never planned to teach middle school. But once I started, I never looked back. And I became kind of an expert on the idiosyncrasies of sixth, seventh, and eighth graders, and how to make the most of their special qualities.
By October 5th, Coral Marine of Morgan City was ensconced at Venice, lifting beached boats off the shore with a 200-ton crane. The Big-T's capacity of 600 tons was assuredly the choice for larger steel shirimpers. In the case of a deck barge that had been carried upland, to leave a...
How can you create as many “at bats” as possible for a potential home run? And that’s where I think I can help. Last year has taught me that tomorrow is not guaranteed. That there will never come a “right” time to write this. If I die tomorrow, I’m so proud of what ...
If you were randomly selected to chaperone the 2nd graders on their field trip to McCaffrey’s Farm next Tuesday (because you haven’t volunteered for a damn thing this year and you’re not going to get away with that shit on my watch), please don’t forget that you’ll be required ...