Thanks to all of you who dropped me personal notes asking if I am on fire. No.We aren’t on fire.But, close enough that the sky has been dark red, and the air full of ash since Tuesday. Needless to say, we are staying inside…and continuing to hope for the best for several frie...
Homer, Bart and even Lisa have all had lists on some of their worst actions they have comittied now its time for Marge's turn in court as we coundown the worst things that Marge Simpson has done on the Simpsons
Milhouse Wiggum Skinner Krusty Free for event currency, and Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Flanders free to kick off the event. Any other info you’re looking for can be found in the very detailed spoiler video we did here. That’s it for now, look for this to start tomorrow. Until ...
Favorite Simpsons Character:I’d have to go with Milhouse Van Houten, just barely edging out Ralph Wiggum. “Remember the time he ate my goldfish, and you lied to me and said I never had any goldfish? Then why did I have the bowl Bart? Why did I have the bowl?” Favorite Episode:...
Tagged can i buy more party elephants, how big are siddmartha's ponies, How big is Springfield Ele-Zen-Tary, how big is the party elephant, how big is the west sari contest, How do i get Siddmarthas ponies, How do i get Springfield Ele-Zen-Tary, how do i get the party elephant...