Everything's coming up Milhouse this bank holiday. Spend your extra day off binge-watching ‘The Simpsons’ at Genesis Cinema's free all-day screening. Guzzle down beers and cocktails, from Bar Paragon, including cans of 'Duff' beer. Tickets are free, but must be booked in advance. ...
Cut to 12 years later, when ManBearPig does show up in South Park and starts killing everyone. Advertisement The boys are forced to look up Al Gore and say sorry for making fun of him— while still making fun of him and depicting him as a self-obsessed loon, but at least he’s...
Favorite Simpsons Character:I’d have to go with Milhouse Van Houten, just barely edging out Ralph Wiggum. “Remember the time he ate my goldfish, and you lied to me and said I never had any goldfish? Then why did I have the bowl Bart? Why did I have the bowl?” Favorite Episode:...
Charlie Kaufman has never failed to be intriguing. His films are like little puzzle boxes that often open up to another puzzle box. You don’t always understand it but you’re happy for the challenge. Thus far I have generally praised his work.Being John MalkovichandThe Eternal Sunshine of ...