Play Thing Thing Arena Pro Updated: May 24, 2014 11:36 AM MY GAME Bookmark Us! (Ctrl+D) Community GAME INSTRUCTIONS Right-click game to play full-screen (if available)WASD to move; Mouse to aim and shoot. Q and E to swap weapons....
Thing Thing Arena Pro Game Guide Objective Complete as many goals as possible before the time runs out and rack up as many kills as you can along the way! Default Controls A, D- Run Left / Right Mouse- Aim and Fire. W- Jump
Thing-Thing Arena Classic是该系列中第二款以爆炸自杀敌人为特色的游戏,第一款是Thing-Thing Arena 2 thing-thing arena pro thing-thing arena pro 是 thing-thing arena 侧系列到 thing-thing游戏。它于2013年7月2日首次上传到Diseased Productions网站上。 运行 thing-thing arena classic,连同它的对应物, thin...
Thing Thing Arena Classic Game Guide Objective Survive as long as you can while chaining together kills! Default Controls A, D- Run Left / Right Mouse- Aim and Fire. W- Jump R- Reload E- Change Weapon F- Open Door P- Pause M- Toggle Map...
This arena is a matter of life and death, and the only way to survive is by using all of the tricks, tools, and weapons available to you to make it through, bloody but unbowed. Thing Thing Arena Pro Play Instructions Use your mouse to click on and through the floating hair, clothing...
Thing Thing Arena 3 Thing Thing Thing Thing 2 Thing Thing 3 Thing Thing 4 The Thing Blow Things Up! 2 How to play Thing Thing Arena Classic? Customize your character and get rid of the enemies you find in your way. Take their weapons and do whatever you need to survive. ...
Thing Thing Arena 3 768× → Shooting games → Shooting at a moving target All:Shooting survival gamesBlood Game controls:movement - W,A,S,d, aiming and shooting - by mouse, run - Shift, change weapon - E, charging - R, throwing the weapon away - space bar, pause - P...
Thing Thing Arena 3 Thing Thing Thing Thing 2 Thing Thing 4 Thing Thing 3 The Thing Blow Things Up! 2 How to play Thing Thing Arena? First, create your character, and then choose one of the four modes. You have to survive and get all the points you can. Controls MOVE...
我会放文集里面去,可能有错误翻译,多多谅解,有图的我会发图,也可能会有遗漏。Artifact 19(这里翻译为神器19)Artifact 19 是一种不寻常的高科技武器 thing-thing arena3.它有点像未来派手枪,前面有冲锋枪式的前握,还有绿黄色的颜色。当发射时,它向最近的敌人发射了一
Thing Thing Arena Classic is an iconic edition of the action-packed shooting game series featuring the most overpowered and destructive weapons of all time. In such massacre is not only cruelty magnified. Your rivals are more armed and dangerous than ever. Try to stay alive to reach achievements...