Thing Thing Arena 3 775× → Shooting games → Shooting at a moving target All:Shooting survival gamesBlood Game controls:movement - W,A,S,d, aiming and shooting - by mouse, run - Shift, change weapon - E, charging - R, throwing the weapon away - space bar, pause - P...
GAME OBJECTIVES Shoot your way through countless enemies, but this time, do it with style! Done with this?Play Thing Thing Arena Pro Updated:May 24, 2014 11:36 AM MY GAME Bookmark Us! (Ctrl+D) Community GAME INSTRUCTIONS Right-click game to play full-screen (if available) ...
Thing-Thing Arena Classic是该系列中第二款以爆炸自杀敌人为特色的游戏,第一款是Thing-Thing Arena 2 thing-thing arena pro thing-thing arena pro 是 thing-thing arena 侧系列到 thing-thing游戏。它于2013年7月2日首次上传到Diseased Productions网站上。 运行 thing-thing arena classic,连同它的对应物, thin...
PlayThing Thing Arena 3now! Find moreCrazy Monkey Game Hints and Tips. Check out other games atCrazy Monkey Games; Thing Thing Arena 3 Object The object of Thing-Thing Arena 3 is to kill as many enemies as possible and to do so with style. Points are awarded for killing enemies, and d...
thing-thing arena 92FS最早出现在 物物竞技场1 枪管上有一个消音器,可以更安静地拍摄,还有一个激光瞄准器。消音器增加了武器的枪管长度,如果有敌人离你足够近,你发射武器,你就不会击中任何东西。 thing-thing3 该武器第二次以双重挥舞的形式出现,见于thing-thing3.就像 GIAT Famas 和 Benelli M4武器只能在水平...
Thing Thing Arena 3-Kill. destroy and well… have fun! Instructions: Walk: A/D or Left/Right Run: Shift Jump: W or Up Arrow Double-Jump: W or Up Arrow in mid-air Back flip: W or Up while moving backwards Change Weapons: E or Num0 Aim/Shoot: Mouse...
Thing Thing Arena 3Controls|Guide|fullscreen A: Move left D: Move right W: Jump S: Duck Shift: Run Mouse: Aim Click: Fire E or Scroll Wheel: Change weapon R: Reload Space: Throw/Exchange weapon Q or Middle click: Switch to melee ...
Thing Thing Arena Classic Thing Thing Arena 3 Thing Thing Thing Thing 2 Thing Thing 4 Thing Thing 3 The Thing Blow Things Up! 2 How to play Thing Thing Arena? First, create your character, and then choose one of the four modes. You have to survive and get all the points...
Thing Thing 3 is trendy, 107,015 total plays already! Play this Weapons game for free and prove your worth. Enjoy Thing Thing 3 now!