意思是:不论艰难险阻;同甘共苦;风雨同舟 词源: The expression “through thick and thin” originates from the saying “through thicket and thin wood.” 这个表达来源于“through(穿越) thicket(灌木丛) and thin wood(稀疏的树林)”。 This saying came fro...
thick and thin 字面意思:厚的和薄的 引申意思:困难和障碍 口语中如果单独使用可以直接说thick and thin,但如果放在句子里边,通常说“through thick and thin”,且一般放句末。 根据上下文可以翻译为“不论艰难险阻/在任何情况下/同甘共苦/风雨同舟”。 ⭐解释⭐ If you support or stay with someone through...
Policy making through thick and thin: thick description as a methodology for communication and democracy. Policy Sci - Thompson () Citation Context ...he thick description in that it makes the agendas of elite and policy makers more transparent and accessible that maybe hidden deep within ...
Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary13,881,679,936visits served TheFreeDictionary Google ? Keyboard Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text EnglishEspañolDeutschFrançaisItalianoالعربية中文简体PolskiPortuguêsNederlandsNorskΕλληνικήРусский...
威廉姆斯似乎是从吉尔伯特·赖尔(Gilbert Ryle)引入的“厚描述”(thick description)概念中得出“厚”的标签,并由人类学家克利福德·格尔茨(Clifford Geertz)改编为其他目的。赖尔把厚描述描述为对人类活动的描述,而不仅仅是对身体运动的描述,而是对涉及有意的和有目的的细节的描述,这些细节有助于我们理解这些活动(赖尔...
Thick Description/Thin Lines: Writing about Process in Contemporary PerformanceThe author draws on his experience working with two theatre companies, the Gardzienice Theatre Association of Poland and the Suzuki Company of Toga, Japan, to explore questions about authority in writing about process in ...
AlexPurvesThickDescriptionFromAuerbachto theBoar’sLair(Od.19.388–475)¹Thereis also roomand timefor orderly, perfectly well-articulated, uniformly illuminateddescriptions of implements,ministrations, and gestures; even in the dramaticmomentofrecognition,Homerdoesnot omitto tell the reader that it is...
’ That Ryle called ‘thin description.’ Thick description was an account of the intentional, communicative, interpretative, meaning of the behavior: why it was done, how it was read, using which social codes. That, Geertz argued, was the object of ethnography: ‘a stratified hierarchy of ...
The woods had become so thick that their branches overhung the stream and blotted out the sky. Literature It's so thick up there, you can't even see three feet in front of you. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 Sausages which are more than 27 mm thick cannot be produced in the thin sheep's ca...
In Ref. [9], it was shown that the cosmological parameters obtained from 5Df(R,T) gravity are in agreement with recent constraints from type Ia supernovae data, baryon acoustic oscillations and cosmic microwave background observations, favoring such an alternative description of the universe dynam...