Flu shots really matter: Study shows they reduce elderly deathsLINDSEY TANNER
Babies and old people are in special danger. They can get help, though. Doctors can now fight the flu with flu shots. The fight against the flu still goes on. Now we are winning the fight. The great flu of 1918 should never happen again. 1.Where did Americans fight World War I ...
Still, these rates are suboptimal. The CDC currently recommends that all US health care workers receive an annual influenza vaccination. Vaccination among health care workers is vital. Although the flu may seem like a minor inconvenience to otherwise healthy adults, viral shedding can begin up t...
According to this participant, “people who have had COVID and recovered have a natural immunity and don’t need shots. None of this stuff is discussed.” They concluded that people who publicly discuss these topics are “shut down or censored.” Another participant distrusted the ...
Health Canada Lifts Hold on Novartis Flu Shots; Says They Are Safe to UseHealth Canada OKs use of Novartis flu shots--TORONTO - Health Canada lifted its hold on Novartis...Branswell, Helen
Most vaccines are2, 3, or 4 dosesand done, except for influenza and tetanus and diphtheria vaccines. Influenza viruses change enough each year to necessitate annual flu shots—note that they’re not called boosters—modified to target the circulating strains. And although the World Health Organiz...
Fact #5:Influenza death rates are greatly exaggerated the beginning of each flu season to drive people to get the vaccines. The common figure of 35,000 deaths per year is not true and has not been the true number for many years. A more accurate figure is closer to 20, 000 deaths per...
what these people must come to terms with and realize is that “they are going to die” … now the question is … do they go silently into the night … or do like was done during the French revolution and take out the people trying to kill them as a simple matter of self defense ...
If we ever are allowed to see the return of flu, we will subsequently see more fall of coronadoom. The Experts will say it is all their doing. Nature is responsible for nothing. They rule all. HELP A GUY OUT I was disappointed to learn I did not make theDeplorable Dozen vexxine misf...
then are we not giving away the fundamental right to be a healthy individual. This statement is true simply by its' very nature of truth. The decision to do nothing, know nothing, or care not, literally gives another permission to continue doing what is being done to our Mother Earth by...