The Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit is a high-precision, detergent-compatible protein assay for determination of protein concentration. Pierce BCA reagents provide accurate determination of protein concentration with most sample types encountered in protein research. ...
与 Bradford法或Pierce BCA Protein Assay 试剂盒相比,免稀释Rapid Gold BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒无需稀释样品和标准品,从而可将实验时间减少高达 80%。 此外,它只需要 5 分钟的室温孵育。 经典BCA试剂盒也有内含免稀释 BSA 蛋白标准品的版本——Pierce 免稀释BCA Protein Assay 试剂盒。
与 Bradford法或Pierce BCA Protein Assay 试剂盒相比,免稀释Rapid Gold BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒无需稀释样品和标准品,从而可将实验时间减少高达 80%。 此外,它只需要 5 分钟的室温孵育。 经典BCA试剂盒也有内含免稀释 BSA 蛋白标准品的版本——Pierce 免稀释BCA Protein Assay 试剂盒。
(815) 968-7316 fax Description Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents for 500 test-tube or 5000 microplate assays 23227 Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents for 250 test-tube or 2500 microplate assays Kit Contents: BCA Reagent A, 1000mL (in Product No. 23225) or ...
工作液可稳定存放24小时BSA的线性范围为20-2,000 微克/毫升改良的操作zui小可以检测到 5 微克/毫升方便的微孔板和比色杯形式蛋白:蛋白差异比染料结合法小 23225:Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit,1L 23227:Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit,500ml Thermo Pierce BCA蛋白定量试剂盒23225 23227 ...
Assay Kit (Pierce BCA 蛋白定 量 分析试剂 盒),试剂可用于 500 次试管或 5000 次微孔板分析 NCI3227CH Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit (Pierce BCA 蛋白定 量 分析试剂 盒),试剂可用于 250 次试管或 2500 次微孔板分析 试剂盒组 分: BCA 试剂 A, 1000mL(产品目录号 NCI3225CH)或 500mL(产品目录......
The Pierce Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Kit is a fast, two-component, high-precision, detergent-compatible assay optimized to determine total protein concentration. It uses the same copper-chelating technology as the well-known traditional Pierce BCA Protein Assay and provides comparable accuracy but...
NCI3227CH Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit (Pierce BCA 蛋白定量分析试剂盒),试剂可用于 250 次试管或 2500 次微孔板分析 试剂盒组分:BCA 试剂 A , 1000mL (产品目录号 NCI3225CH )或 500mL (产品目录号 NCI3225CH)。含有 溶解于 0.1M 氢氧化钠中的碳酸钠、碳酸氢钠、二喹啉甲酸(BCA )以及...
The Thermo Scientific Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit is a two-component, high-precision, detergent-compatible assay reagent set to measure total protein concentration compared to a protein standard.
Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents for 500 test-tube or 5000 microplate assays Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit, sufficient reagents for 250 test-tube or 2500 microplate assays Kit Contents: BCA Reagent A, 1000mL (in Product No. 23225) or 500mL (in Product No. 23227), containing...