DescriptionHisPur Ni-NTA Resin FormLiquid Suspension Quantity500 mL TypeResin FormatBottle Documents Scientific Resources Brochures Brochure: Tools and reagents for recombinant protein purificationFile size: 2.3 MB Product Information Manuals User Guide: HisPur Ni-NTA ResinVersion: B.0File size: 128.7 ...
(产品信息仅供参考,请与客服确认实际情况后再下单) 货品编号: Thermo 88221 数量:-+包 正品货源 质量保障 商品详情 商品评论 商品咨询 品牌:Thermo 所属分类:辅助货品 货品编号: Thermo 88221 品牌: Thermo 品名: Hispur Ni-NTA resin 规格: 88221 ...
品名:NI-NTA Agarose 规格:25ml 产品描述: Ni-NTA Agarose is a nickel-charged affinity resin that can be used to purify recombinant proteins containing a polyhistidine (6xHis) sequence. Proteins bound to the resin may be eluted with either low pH buffer or by ...
2025/12/31 A50586 Pierce™ High Capacity Ni-IMAC Resin, EDTA compatible, 250 mL Each 31,870.00 A50587 Pierce™ High Capacity Ni-IMAC Resin, EDTA compatible, 500 mL Each 57,040.00 88222 HisPur™ Ni-NTA Resin, 100 mL Each 12,722.00 78606 Pierce™ Ni-NT...
Catalog #NameSizePrice (CNY)Qty 88222 HisPur™ Ni-NTA Resin, 100 mL Each 12,722.00 88831 HisPur™ Ni-NTA Magnetic Beads, 2 mL Each 2,034.00 Online offer 2,904.00 Ends: 2025/12/31 16100 Pierce™ Glutathione Agarose, 10 mL Each 2,161.00 Online offer 3,108.00 Ends:...
Lysates were incubated with Ni-NTA resin (Qiagen), pre-equilibrated with sample buffer, for 1 hr 30 min before washing with 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 20 mM Imidazole, supplemented with either 0.03% (w/v) DDM or 0.15% (w/v) DM. For detergent exchange ...
Thermo Scientific LightShift化学发光EMSA试剂盒是一种非常强大和灵敏的系统,用于进行电泳迁移率转移分析(EMSA),以识别和表征蛋白质与DNA的结合相互作用。该试剂盒包括用于建立和定制DNA结合反应的试剂、用于测试试剂盒系统的DNA和蛋白质提取物的对照组、用于探针标记生物su的DNA靶标的稳定链亲和素-HRP缀合物,以及用于...
The enzyme was purified 11.3-fold by Ni-NTA agarose resin with an overall recovery of 51.4% and specific activity of 9.0 U/mg, and its relative molecular weight was about 85kDa. The optimal temperature of TstGal was 70°C, and it exhibited excellent thermal stability at 60°C. Further...
Figure 1. Purification of His–EPEA tagged protein from E.coli periplasmic fraction: C-tag outperforming two different Ni-NTA resins M. Molecular weight marker 1. Starting material (His-EPEA tagged protein) 2. Flow through fraction 3. Wash fraction 4. Elution...
For proteins purified using metal chelating column chromatography (ProBond™ resin or Ni-NTA resin), perform dialysis against two changes of PBS to significantly lower the imidazole concentration. The presence of high salt (500...