There Will Be Blood is an American period drama film released in 2007 that was written and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson and is loosely based on the first 150 pages of Upton Sinclair’s 1927 novel Oil! The film stars Daniel Day-Lewis as silver prospec
you don’t have to be nervous. I just wanted to get out of the office. I was dying in there. Ki-Tek is in the driver seat. (”The Belt of Trust” continues under the scene.) KI-TEK I understand. You’re surrounded by people all day. I’m sure you want some peace in th...
With theatrical panache, Barclay invites his visitors to cross strips of yellow police tape and take in a crime scene. The floor is covered in blood, pools of it that Barclay warns people to not step in. Broken glass and shell casings lay scattered everywhere. There are too many bullet hol...
then give him blood then glue to plastics then go three blocks then go to eavesdrop then going to bed then had then he said to the l then he said god do s then he shall answer then her workmates co then hell be a true l then his master then hit others then honor and integr then...
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Few Westerns have reached so deep into the abscesses of American ambition as thoroughly as Paul Thomas Anderson’sThere Will Be Blood. Anderson’s film takes place at the turn of the last century, as the frontier gradually gave way to industrialization, and tells the story of two men with ...
内容提示: There Will Be Blood 1. The true subject of this film I think is to satirize the oilman Daniel’s two-side life and show the oil rush in old time of America through oilman Daniel’s history of getting rich. The statement “There is a whole ocean of oil under our feet.” ...
• A tragedy need not have blood and death. It's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness. That is the pleasure of tragedy. • 【悲剧不需鲜血与死亡装点,有富丽堂皇的悲怆便以足够。而这却是悲剧令人可喜之处。原出处:Jean Racine(拉辛, 法国剧作家,诗人)】 Episode 3:Remembran...
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9. There Will Be Blood (2007) Average Letterboxd Rating: 4.45 Paul Thomas Anderson’s There Will Be Blood might have lost the Best Picture Oscar for 2007 to No Country For Old Men, but history has come to a different consensus. While No Country remains a Coen brothers favorite (it has ...