Few Westerns have reached so deep into the abscesses of American ambition as thoroughly as Paul Thomas Anderson’sThere Will Be Blood. Anderson’s film takes place at the turn of the last century, as the frontier gradually gave way to industrialization, and tells the story of two men with ...
you don’t have to be nervous. I just wanted to get out of the office. I was dying in there. Ki-Tek is in the driver seat. (”The Belt of Trust” continues under the scene.) KI-TEK I understand. You’re surrounded by people all day. I’m sure you want some peace in th...
this bird thing this blood this blue giraffe was this book for this book sells well this bottle opener this boys memory is p this breath fresh this brings a this camera this cant be happenin this candidate this christmas aretha this column also call this controller point this conversations ov...
then give him blood then glue to plastics then go three blocks then go to eavesdrop then going to bed then had then he said to the l then he said god do s then he shall answer then her workmates co then hell be a true l then his master then hit others then honor and integr then...
There will be blood. So much blood. It’s a sweltering day in early July—the kind that coincides with spikes in homicides—and production is underway on the seventh and final season ofSons of Anarchy(the show premieres tonight at 10 p.m. on FX, while theSOACollector's Set hits shelves...
• A tragedy need not have blood and death. It's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness. That is the pleasure of tragedy. • 【悲剧不需鲜血与死亡装点,有富丽堂皇的悲怆便以足够。而这却是悲剧令人可喜之处。原出处:Jean Racine(拉辛, 法国剧作家,诗人)】 Episode 3:Remembran...
Dave Mosher
2024年10月,奔走诗情画意加拿大之秋,与北极熊相约。 平生从未如此这般近距离观看“超级野兽”,也从未曾见过如此高颜值的熊中“美妞靓仔”。被北极独行侠的优雅呆萌、伟岸强壮、静默谦逊打动,一时忘记了它们凶猛无比的“冰上霸王”标签、暴君身份,也是不虚此行。
Oh, also, women have 8 times the blood flow to the emotional part of the brain as men. That is why we are more outwardly emotional. Women like to talk about the relationship with their partner when they feel it is a good relationship and worth working on. Men hear this as complaint ...
There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning. -Jiddu Krishnamurti/ˈdʒɪduː ˌ...