Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such...
The progress of CAR-T cell therapy in hematologic malignancies has spurred the development of CAR-T cell therapy for solid tumors, comprising more than 90% of all malignancies and posing a significant threat to global health. Currently, there are approximately 200 ongoing clinical trials investigatin...
Tips, notes, and graduated learning sequences help practitioners progress smoothly to intermediate and advanced clinical skills. A companion Professional DVD demonstrates a wide spectrum of reflexology techniques and practices, from table and chair set-ups to master-level techniques shown in no other ...
Nanotechnology enables technology to deal with nanometer-sized objects and to apply them in an array of applications. The concept of nanotechnology was first introduced in 1959 by Richard P. Feynman [1]. Nowadays, nanotechnology is becoming more advanced and refined in scientific terms, and is bei...
Progress has been made in our understanding of the role of MIF (and its family member d-dopachrome tautomerase (DDT)) in genitourinary cancers and how it can be therapeutically targeted. Key points Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) and its homologue d-dopachrome tautomerase (DDT) are ...
Furthermore, in recent years, due to the unique properties of nanomaterials in terms of size, surface and capacity, considerable progress has been made in nanotechnology-based theranostic strategies for cancer treatment as vehicles for the delivery of anti-angiogenic agents [78]. Some examples of ...
In many HPV-associated lesions that progress into cancers, the HPV viral DNA genome are found to be integrated into the host’s genome. This process often leads to the deletion of many early (E1, E2, E4, and E5) and late (L1 and L2) genes. The deletion of L1 and L2 during the ...
Age-associated neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease are a major public health challenge, due to the demographic increase in the proportion of older individuals in society. However, the relatively few currently approved drugs for these
TP53 is the most frequently mutated or deleted gene in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Both the loss of TP53 and the lack of targeted therapy are significantly correlated with poor clinical outcomes, making TNBC the only type of breast cancer that
Despite many reports of putative stem-cell-based treatments in genetic and degenerative disorders or severe injuries, the number of proven stem cell therapies has remained small. In this Review, we survey advances in stem cell research and describe the c