While PP/PE can indeed lower the serologic level of various disease markers such as circulating immune complexes, anti-DNA antibodies, cryoglobulins or rheumatoid factor, a positive clinical effect on symptomatology has not been demonstrated in clinical trials. The discrepancy may be related to the ...
An ICD- 10 diagnosis was given for 44 of the 74 children and ado- lescents. 16 children and adolescents additionally suffered from up to three comorbid disorders. A comedication was taken by 22 children. None of the pediatric patients used oral contraception. Three adolescents reported nicotine...
Pain relief medication may decrease the coughing reflex as well as depress respiratory functions when the dosage is high enough to achieve analgesia. On the other hand, if the dosage of analgesics is too low to relieve pain, it may render patients with shallow breathing and inadequate coughing ...
(notwithstanding the problems of informed consent with regard to such a potential side-effect). Tardive dyskinesia as an irreversible side-effect of a neuroleptic long-term medication urgently needed for suppression of agonizing schizophrenic symptoms will be put up with by one patient but not by ...
“a hot and soft medication, an essence, like gum ammoniac”. In his workTreatise on simple medicines, which was translated into Latin by Arnau de Vilanova in Valencia in around 1280, he includes it in the “simple medicines that exert general actions on the whole of the body, without ...
pestis infection is an aminoglycoside, with streptomycin as an FDA-approved medication and gentamicin often mentioned as an alternate antibiotic. Although rarely reported, naturally occurring, highly antibiotic-resistant strains of Y. pestis do occur. In a recent report, a strain isolated from a boy...
None of the study subjects had received any systemic immunosuppressive medication three months prior to study entry. ICD-10-CM chapter XII: diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue All atopic eczema and psoriasis patients were diagnosed by the same dermatologist (OS), based on standard criteria...
Medication, vaccination status, concentration issues, and COVID-related medical history are surveyed as single items in order to enable fine-grained subgroup analyses and adjustment for influencing variables. Items on medical history use a numerical analog scale from 1 to 10 with pre-COVID-19 and...
Proportions of diagnoses per ICD-10 sub-chapter were evaluated to find diseases and to rank the occurrence of diagnoses in the population of indigenous people. Thereafter, the available medication provided by the indigenous health care provider Dusakawi for the treatment of the indigenous patients ...
This medication is formulated into nano-sized particles via the Mannich reaction and π-π stacking, enabling the release of NO in the tumor microenvironment to induce apoptosis in tumor cells. In conclusion, through covalent modification between NO donor and drug carrier, the delivery of drugs in...