If we care about the change thatgoodmuseums make in the world, we should be scouring the field for the tangible proof-points of museum impact. We should be among the first to volunteer our museums for studies that can begin to test whether we are actually making the impact we claim to b...
The Monte Carlo simulations were then performed using the SPDsimulationTest function from ADMUR. For each model, a series of individual calendar years are drawn from the model distribution, with replacement, the number of which equals the number of site phases in the observed RSPD. These are ...
Acting on a suggestion advanced by Lord Rayleigh, Rubens, and Kurlbaum soon afterwards widely extended the test of the formulae by means of the so-calledReststrahlen.A substance such as an aniline dye, which exhibits selective absorption of any group of rays, also powerfully reflects those, r...
dubbed “random fission” because speciation results from random splitting of populations which may be interpreted as mimicking allopatric speciation. Intuitively, it seems more reasonable than point mutation because the incipient abundance of new species is larger than a single individual (Allen and Sava...
Baidu is confident its AI bot has the savvy to do well in its tough TV test. The Baidu Beijing-based company, worth US$63 billion, has a lab in Silicon Valley devoted to artificial intelligence, natural language processing, intelligent interaction, as well as speech, image, and facial ...
The outcome-devaluation task in laboratory animals: Animals first learn an instrumental response to produce an appetitive reward. The response could be goal-directed (driven by an expectation of current reward value), or habitual (driven directly by an S−R association). To test this, the rewa...
//www.czzyfw.com//plugins/weathermap/configs/test404.php 111 0.01% http://www.epa.ie/climate/calculators/ 111 0.01% https://onlinecasinounit.com 111 0.01% https://theconversation.com/how-a-moral-philosopher-justifies-his-carbon-footprint-95809 110 0.01% http://compliance-sg.com/ 107 ...
Furthermore, we tested for common method variance by performing two post-hoc tests. First, we estimated common method bias using Harman’s single-factor test (Harman1967). This test presumes that if common method bias exists, either a single factor will emerge from the factor analysis of all...
Hence, this paper describes how a company reacts to and appropriates established stakeholder theory i.e. to test its applicability. This is an important empirical addition to the otherwise often conceptual contributions to stakeholder management framed within the concept of management system thinking. ...
6.2. Government Technical Advisory Centre (GTAC) (An Entity of the National Treasury) The Budget Office of the National Treasury has housed the PPP Unit since 2000, with the intention of giving special focus to PPPs. The PPP Unit was later transformed into the GTAC, with an extended mandat...