If we care about the change thatgoodmuseums make in the world, we should be scouring the field for the tangible proof-points of museum impact. We should be among the first to volunteer our museums for studies that can begin to test whether we are actually making the impact we claim to b...
Furthermore, we tested for common method variance by performing two post-hoc tests. First, we estimated common method bias using Harman’s single-factor test (Harman1967). This test presumes that if common method bias exists, either a single factor will emerge from the factor analysis of all...
In the present paper, the results of two experiments designed to test predictions of our theory are described. We then illustrate how the theory can be applied to explain a wide range of impairments that have been observed when learning and memory tasks have been employed to assess the effect...
Donaldson, T.; Preston, L.E. The stakeholder theory of the corporation: Concepts, evidence, and implications.Acad. Manag. Rev.1995,20, 65–91. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Węgrzyn, J.; Wojewnik-Filipkowska, A. Stakeholder analysis and their attitude towards PPP success.Sustainability2022...
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test design, data generation, and data interpretation, whereby we would make certain preconceived assumptions about how Bronze Age swords would be used; we would test the swords based on these assumptions; and, with perhaps the odd exception, we would demonstrate our assumptions experimentally. This...