5) theory-of-mind "心理理论" 1. In the present paper, the meanings oftheory-of-mindwere explained, and the reason fortheory-of-mindwas called a theory was explained. 20世纪80年代以来,"心理理论"已成为发展心理学的研究热点和最活跃、最多产的领域。
Given the ontology of his most sceptical moments, when he believed that all that existed was his ideas and impressions, there was no other conclusion that Hume could arrive at. The result is scepticism about the external world and an inadequate conception of the mind. The best-explanation ...
David Armstrong(<A Materialist Theory of the Mind> 1968)曾经讨论过一种重要的现象,你开车去往某个熟悉的地方,同时沉浸在对某个问题的思考中,直到到达目的地你才发现你居然“无意识地”开完了全程,你注意到了每一个红绿灯,也没有撞到路人等等,尽管这些行为通常看来需要意识的介入。对于这个现象有很多不同的...
Chalmers指出这里出现了一个既十分自然(naturally)同时又使人困惑(confusing)的问题,他将其称作现象判断的悖论(the paradox of phenomenal judgments),简单来说,它是说一方面我们关于意识的判断和意识是无关的,另一方面判断又是关于我们的意识的。Dennett在他的<Consciousness Explained> 1991Ch12.5中对副现象论的反对中...
Psychoanalysis, influential method of treating mental disorders, shaped by psychoanalytic theory, which emphasizes unconscious mental processes and is sometimes described as ‘depth psychology.’ The psychoanalytic movement originated in the clinical obs
Quantum theory provides an extremely accurate description of fundamental processes in physics. It thus seems likely that the theory is applicable beyond the, mostly microscopic, domain in which it has been tested experimentally. Here, we propose a Gedank
Mindfulness: the meaning and principles September 17, 2024 Self Determination Theory by Deci and Ryan explained August 28, 2024 PERMA Model of Wellbeing by Martin Seligman Martin Seligman biography, quotes and books August 15, 2024 Resilience building in Life: Theory explained ...
There are three ways to eliminate dissonance: (1) reduce the importance of the dissonant beliefs, (2) add more consonant beliefs that outweigh the dissonant beliefs, or (3) change the dissonant beliefs so that they are no longer inconsistent....
在William James(<The Principles of Psychology> 1890)看来,我们关于时间的知觉的原型(prototype)是the specious present(不知道怎么翻译):“我们持续知觉到一些特定的持续时间—the specious present—持续大约数秒,也许不会超过一分钟,这个持续时间(以及它的内容的先后顺序)是我们原始的时间直觉”。the specious presen...
('Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind' 1956)那里找到了这个困难的来由(the myth of the given),Sellars认为知识的概念仅仅属于规范性空间:“在把一个片段或者状态可化为关于知道(knowing)的片段或状态时,我们并不是在给出关于那个片段或状态的经验描述;我们将其置于理由的逻辑空间(the logical space of ...