a theory of goal setting and task performance Locke和Latham在1990年提出了目标设定理论(A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance),该理论认为,明确的目标可以提高个体的绩效和表现。具体而言,该理论认为,当个体具有较高的自我效能感时,设置了较高目标的个体,其绩效也会达到较高的水平。 目标设定理论还...
(1991). A theory of goal setting and task performance. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.Locke EA, Latham GP. A theory of goal setting and task performance. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall; 1991.Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (1991). A theory of goal setting and task ...
The Goal Setting Theory of Motivation by Locke & Latham shows how goals and feedback can be highly motivating factors for employees.
理论分享 | 目标设定理论 (goal setting theory) 目标设定理论的提出主要基于一个重要常识:生命是一个目标导向行动的过程。目标是个体想要达成的结果。组织中受到激励的员工会集中或调动其注意力向目标进发直至最终实现。 对于个人而言,目标有两种:内部目标是对成就的渴求,外部目标则是员工寻求的某种特定对象或条件,例...
The effects of goal emphasis on performance on a complex task. Journal of ... goal-setting. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 15, 268—77. Lord, R. G., 8c Hanges, P. J. (1987). A control system model of ... Toward a theory of intrinsically motivating instruction. Cognit...
In 1960s, Edwin Locke put forward the Goal-setting theory of motivation. This theory states that goal setting is essentially linked to task performance.
goal-setting theory goal-settingtheory goal-settingtheory即目标设置理论。 目标设置理论强调设置目标会影响激励水平和工作绩效的理论,由美国学者洛克(EdwinLocke)于1967年提出。 目标设置理论认为目标本身就具有激励作用,目标能把人的需要转变成动机,使人们的行为朝着一定的方向努力,并把自己的行为结果与既定的...
目标设定理论 G o a l - S e t t i n g T h e o r y 美国马里兰大学管理学兼心理学教授爱德温·洛克( E d w i n A . L o c k e ) 和休斯在研究中发现 外来的刺激 如奖励、工作反馈、监督的压力 都是通过目标来影响动机的。目标能引导活动指向与目标有关的行为 使人们根据难度的大小来调...
It is a theory of improving performance by setting specific, measurable, challenging, realistic, and time-bound goals and was proposed by the American psychologist Edwin Locke et al. in the 1960s. The main point of the goal-setting theory is that the goal itself is an intrinsic motivation. ...